Monday, August 31, 2009

Holiday Dinner 2009

Planning for the annual Ladies Holiday Dinner is in full swing. The dinner is the kick-off for the holidays, and is a highlight of the season for those who have attended in the past. For a look at last year's dinner, view the slideshow below.

Holiday Dinner 2009, will be on Friday night, November 13th, at 6:00.
The speaker for this year is Kay Dekalb Smith. She is a comedian and comes highly recommended.

As we plan and prepare, we need more volunteers to be table hostesses. Now, don't let that terminology scare you, because if you volunteer, you will have lots of help if you need it. Contact Martha Rhoton to let her know you will host a table.

If you have already volunteered, thank you! We invite all hostesses (and potential) hostesses to a planning session on Tuesday, September 22, at 6:30 in the Student Assembly Center. Bring any dishes (a sample) that you are using or aren't using, table cloths, flatware, anything that you think another hostess might be able to use. Among us, we have a lot of resources.

Lots of volunteers are needed to decorate the hallways and platform areas. Donna Whittaker and Donna Walker are heading up that committee, but they need about 15-20 volunteers, and could use your suggestions and ideas. If you can help with decorating, come to the meeting on Sept. 22nd, at 6:30.

We will need door prizes. Can you supply something, or do you know a business who will donate, and that you will contact to pick that up? We need several of you.

Tickets will go on sale in October. Will you sale tickets a Sunday or two for us?
The price of tickets will be $20.00 per person. One hostess per table receives a free ticket.

Begin inviting your friends, family, and neighbors to this awesome event. Last year, one lady prayed to receive Christ into her heart, and many others said that the speaker was just who they needed at that appointed time. God really does use us, if we surrender ourselves to him. He will equip us for the task he has for us to do.

See you on September 22nd, at 6:30.