I have spoken with our speaker, Kay Dekalb Smith, and she is a pure delight. You are in for a real treat!
The annual Holiday Dinner continues to grow into an even more spectacular, must-attend, event. Everything is falling into place this year. Our table hostesses, under the direction of Martha Rhoton, are busy gathering everything to decorate their tables. Cyrena Fletcher and Christy Brister are all abuzz heading up the decorations committee.
Cathy Davenport designed a gorgeous ticket and program for us. Be sure to purchase your ticket soon. On the first day of ticket sales, we sold nearly half of the tickets! We have three more weeks to go, unless we sell out before then. Doris Pressley is overseeing ticket sales. You can purchase your ticket at the nursery hall entrance and in the foyer of the entrance to the sanctuary. They are on sale before and after Sunday services.
Betty White is making lovely name tags for all of the ladies, and Kathy Tilley is seeing to it that all the hostesses have table linens.
I get hungry just thinking about the food! Kudos to Pam Goforth and Doris Pressley for taking on that job. The menu promises to please every palette. The only downside is that one has to make a choice between Lemon Italian Creme Cake and Swiss Chocolate Cheesecake!
To be able to host this event in the sanctuary, a lot of grunt work has to take place. This involves getting a crew together to move the chairs and transport tables to and from the CLC. Set up and take down of tables and chairs is a major project. Ursula Ward is the fearless WARDen who volunteered to commandier this mammoth task!
Of course, there will be door prizes. Susie Toomey is always creative in the way these are presented, so prepare to have some fun with this part of the program. You might even win one!
Thanks in advance to Wayne Droke and Stan Bowman who will be laboring behind-the-scenes to assure all the food services and amplification needs go well.
I'm still working on getting men to volunteer to serve as table waiters. If you know of someone who would be willing to do this, please have them contact me. afcpam@mindspring.com.
So, you see. It takes a lot of people to have an event like this. It looks easy, but that's because our volunteers make it look that way. We are so blessed with talent at ISBC.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow! He is certainly pouring them out on Indian Springs Baptist Church!