Here are some upcoming activities for 2010:

Friday, January 22nd - Souper Supper & Movie - 6:00 pm in the Student Activity Center. Bring your favorite soup or dessert and dress comfy. Invite your friends, too. There will be plenty of food, and laughter.
Friday-Sunday, February 19th-21st - Ladies Retreat
The location is the gorgeous, Smoky Mountain Christian Village
Ronda Paulson will be our guest speaker.
32 ladies have already signed up. We can accommmodate 46, so reserve your spot as soon as you can. You don't want to miss this one! Laughing burns calories!
We are working on a calendar of activities for the entire year. As soon as we get all the dates set, I will get a brochure to you so you can mark your calendars.
Some of the things we are considering are returning to Kiln' Time Pottery. Everyone seemed to enjoy that, and it's a good opportunity to bring your daughter along.
A cooking class has been suggested, where a guest comes and teaches us how to make meals for an entire month! That would be interesting.
How do you feel about having a Spring Tea? Would you prefer to have more times to get together, say monthly, and forego the Tea this year? I need your thoughts on this asap.
Our speaker for the Holiday Dinner, November 19th, has been secured. I'll be sharing more about her in the next few months, but she is awesome!! Mark you calendars for that date for sure.
I would like to do a Bible study on the blog. Is there anything in particular that would be of help or interest to you?
Ladies, we need you in this ministry. We need your involvement. Our church has grown, and we need to create ways to meet each other and connect. The young women in our church need older, godly women, who have walked through what they are experiencing, to come alongside them, encourage them, and help grow them in their faith. Young women, the older women need to learn about you. We want to know about you. We need your energy and fresh ideas! There's a place for every woman in this ministry. Let's all get involved!
Serving Him with YOU!