In our One Year Bible study, we have been reading in Exodus. God would give Moses and Aaron specific instructions regarding their plea to Pharoah to let the Israelites go. He told them what to say, what to do, and what would happen. God told them each time that Pharoah wouldn't do as he promised. Knowing in advance that Pharoah wasn't going to keep his word, they continued to follow God's instructions, appearing before Pharoah numerous times before he finally let the Israelites go.
I thought about this scenario. I know that Moses and Aaron trusted God, or they would not have been obedient to Him. Had I been Moses or Aaron I might have wondered why God put me through all of that, knowing full well that Pharoah was going to say no all of those times, prior to finally letting the people go. I might have allowed Satan to whisper in my ear that God was playing me for a fool. I might have questioned God as to why He wanted me to jump through proverbial hoops before Pharoah yielded.
Maybe God was testing Moses and Aaron's faith. Perhaps he was testing their obedience. I'm sure there are many lessons he wanted them to learn through that experience. Hard-hearted, and hard-headed Pharoah learned something, too. He learned who the one true God is, and who was in control..and it wasn't him!
It's hard to persevere when we don't see positive results, but there is always a reason for God doing things His way, in His timing. He simply calls us to obedience, not outcomes.
"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." - Proverbs 3: 5-6