Saturday, April 9, 2011

Extreme Makeover

The Extreme Makeover Retreat was another extraordinary weekend, as we allowed God to make us over from the inside-out.  He truly does love us, and we are beautiful to Him.  Psalm 139:14 says, "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." NIV 

Lisa Dugger led several sessions on how to dress, how to choose the right colors to wear, and how to dress for our body type.  We even made our own skin care products from food!  We had a cleansing ceremony to indicate our willingness to allow the Lord to cleanse our hearts.  After the ceremony, we wrote down everything that we wanted to release to God on a sheet of paper and burned it.  Though our bonfire was only a flame, it still consumed our burdens and sins.

Two ladies were chosen to receive make-overs.  A stylist at Belk, in Kingsport, helped them select outfits for the big reveal.  Brandy from Attitude Salon did their make-up, hair color, and hair styles.  See their before and after pictures below:

Anna & Lauren BEFORE  



Aren't they BEAUTIFUL????
I hope that they will continue to embrace and enjoy their new and improved look.  They look remarkable!

Here are some other pictures:

Anna & Lauren with Brandy Statum, Hairstylist

Sandy Vowell - Cook
Erika Brammer - Cook

Food Line - Paul Vowell and Larry Brammer - Cooks 
Larry Brammer - Cook
Congratulating Lauren
Congratulating Anna
Our next event is our Mother-Daughter Brunch, "Beautiful Me" on April 30th.  (Have you noticed a theme emerging from our 2011 events?)  Tickets to the brunch are on sale through April 23rd.  The cost is $10.00.