Thursday, May 3, 2012

How to Become Refreshed

Do you need refreshment?  As women, we especially tend to over extend ourselves and our time. We're up early preparing, in bed late preparing ~ leaving ourselves exhausted. A fatigued body leaves us with not enough energy to make it through the day! It affects every task we complete. Because our tanks run low we're not sharp enough to be of full use.

As Christians, it is important for us to examine our priorities, making sure that God is our focus- not ourselves but Him. The pressures of life reveal the truth of what's inside. What does God have prioritized for you?

2 Timothy 2:21 "a special instrument set apart, useful to the Master".
Search yourself and examine what God has prioritized for you. Believe that if He called you to it He will bestow the grace needed to bring you through it.  Honoring God is our focus, therefore it pares down your purpose and narrows your focus.

Psalm 34:14 "I seek peace and pursue it".
Are you doing this today? What in your life can you change from good things to God things?

James 1:4 "in Christ I am whole and complete"The world doesn't offer wholeness and peace. Pursue today what God had designed for you.

My prayer for you;
Holy Father as we embark on each day's new challenges, we easily find ourselves overwhelmed , burdened and exhausted. Father I want to be my best for You. Help me to discern what in my life I need to change, so that each task I take on will show the perfect You. I want to be your vessel, I want to be in your will. Help me to find the peace and strength you want for me to have. In Jesus precious name. Amen.

~ Sumitted by Jeni Morelock