Monday, August 20, 2012

Decision Making 101

We make decisions many times each day. Some of them we make mindlessly, because they are part of our every day life. Whether to unload the dishwasher or clean the bathroom first are an example of a mindless decision. They don't have much impact on the final outcome of our day or life. When we are faced with making a decision that is potentially life-changing, we need guidance.

I believe it is important to understand that while God has a plan for our life, so does Satan. When we make choices, or decisions, based on how we feel, or with our eyes, what we see, then we are likely to go down the wrong road. Satan can deceive us by making something look really good, when in fact it can easily destroy us. Just because something looks good and sounds good, doesn't make it right for us. I have made many decisions with my heart or my eyes leading me, only to experience financial repercussions and/or spiritual bankruptcy. Believe me, this is a terrible place to find oneself! I've also rushed ahead when God speaks vision to my heart, when what I needed to do was to wait for Him to guide me through the process, step-by-step.

There is an order of how to make decisions that are God-led:

1.) Be clean before the Lord. How can we expect to receive answers with unconfessed sin in our hearts? Ask God to reveal to you any sin in your life that needs to be dealt with. Confess it and ask for forgiveness. With a clean heart before Him, you can hear his voice. "Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me." Psalm 51:10

2.) Pray for wisdom and clarity. Step back and take time to listen. Sometimes we do all the talking and don't listen. "But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy." James 3:17

3. Trust his plan. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and He shall direct your paths." - Proverbs 3: 5-6 This has been a life-verse for me. I quote it often, because it is true!

4. Seek godly counsel Talk to other Christians, who are walking closely with God,  about your decision. "For by wise counsel you will wage your own war, and in a multitude of counselors there is safety." Proverbs 24:6  You will gain insight by listening to the perspective and advice of those who care about you and have your best interest at heart.

5. Wait on the Lord This is the hardest part! I am an impatient person when it comes to waiting on answers. I would prefer that God call me on the phone and tell me what to do and when.  It is very difficult for me to not dive right in and do something, but we are to wait for Him to guide us.  We need to act when we have an answer and not continue to mull it over, else we can also miss our opportunity.  "Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!" Psalm 27:14

6. The answer must align with God's Word God does not give direction that is contrary to His Word. This is where decision making requires discernment and knowledge of the Word. This is where Satan will jump in with both feet, presenting something that sounds good and looks good, all in an effort to keep us from God's best for us.  For instance, He will not lead you to take a job that requires you to wear a skimpy outfit. That would be contrary to His Word, when he tells us to not wear anything that will cause men to lust after us.He will not place us in a position that will compromise our Christian witness.  Be aware and alert!

7. You will have peace in your spirit when you have made the right decision. "But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy." James 3:17 If after making a decision, you have any intuition or stirring in your spirit against it, do what you can to reverse the decision. Moving forward with it is a recipe for disaster.

The bottom line here is that we will mess up and make wrong decisions throughout our lives.  The good news is that if we are seeking the Lord with our whole heart, He will guide us and give us wisdom. We will make fewer bad decisions.

God blesses us when we are walking in His path for us.  I want to be blessed. I want to have peace. I want to be doing what He wants me to do. I want to be who He wants me to be.  I bear the scars of bad choices and poor decisions in my life, but He is my Redeemer, and my heart can trust in Him.

What about you? Have you made bad decisions that have resulted in heartache and misery? God can help you turn your life around. He can guide you to His way, a happier and healthier way. Simply acknowledge that you have sinned and confess it to him. Acknowledge your need for a Saviour, Redeemer to forgive your sins. He died for our sins so we don't have to spend an eternity without Him. Ask him to save you, and He will! Then, begin to study His one, true Word, the Bible. There are answers in there for every life question. Pray for wisdom and strength.  He will guide you. He is faithful and true to His Word. He will NOT fail you...EVER!

I love this song by Hillsong.  "My Heart Will Trust In You"  Listen to it and be blessed:

Thanks for stopping by. Come back tomorrow and read what our Health and Wellness Coordinator, Brandy Kisner, has to say about Cleansing with Oil!

Pam Archer
Women's Ministry Director