Thursday, August 16, 2012

Have You Taken Your Temperature Lately?


Revelation 3:14-16

"I know your deeds that you are neither cold nor hot.  I wish you were either one or the other!  So, because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth". 

Have you ever meditated, and thought about this Scripture? As I read it I find myself asking "where do I fall in this? Have I allowed Christ to heat my passion for Him?"

As a Christian most of us quickly answer "I'm hot for Jesus." But, for today consider your life; realizing that every aspect of our life, every detail either heats us for Him, or cools us. Think of it this way, Sunday we go to church and we are fired up!  We have a great day with the Lord.  Our passion is heated and we are on fire for Him. Monday comes around and from the time we get up to our commute, it is a true Monday.  Nothing seems to go as we want, tempers flare, emotions are disturbed.   How's your temperature now?  Encounters we have cool our walk with Him.  By the end of the week take your temperature again.....

Everything we do affects not only our lives personally but it affects our work for Jesus. The Pharisees' knew Scriptures and had all the head knowledge yet, when Jesus stood right in front of them they didn't know who He was - they were neither hot nor cold. As I read Matthew, I see what Jesus said about the Pharisees: he called them hypocrites. It really struck me!   Luke 9:23 "if Anyone wants to follow Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross DAILY and follow Me"... Daily. Not just on Sunday, and not just when it's convenient - but daily.

Christ said only 5 times in the gospels to believe in Him, yet He said 24 times to Follow Him. 
Something to think about. Are you hot, cold or lukewarm? Today is a new day, a blessing from God! Let Him heat you up and follow Him.

~ Submitted by Jeni Morelock