Friday, April 12, 2013

ISBC WOW! Woman of the Week April 12 ~ Linda Green

My testimony is not all sunshine and lollipops, but it does have a happy ending!  I was born in St. Louis, Mo, to unequally yoked parents.  My father was from a Baptist church-planting family.  He would take me to Sunday school most every week when I was younger.  That was the end of my "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."  Proverbs 22:6.  My mother on the other hand, was into Eastern Mysticism; very strange stuff.  She never missed a chance to tell me about it.  She belonged to Self-Realization Fellowship founded by Paramahansa Yogananda.  Needless to say, when I ventured into the world on my own, I knew more about this "Self-Realization" cult than I did about Jesus.  I figured because there was a picture of Jesus along with all the other "teachers", that it can't be all that bad.  


When I was 22, I married a non-practicing Catholic.  (Now I understand why my father didn't like him.)  Anyway, my marriage was OK for a few years, until I realized my husband had become an abusive alcoholic, a drug addict, and a cross-dresser! Naturally, I also became hooked on drugs.  This is when my marriage turned into a living Hell!  I stuck it out for 20 years, until I was in fear for my life.  One of our friends rescued me and my son, and got us out of there.


This is when my search for God started.  I needed to know why my life was falling apart.  My dad had given me a Bible when I moved out, and I think this is the first time I actually read it. However, I continued attending Self-Realization, hoping to find an answer, but found none.  So I got involved in another cult, following Sathya Sai Baba.  All roads DO NOT lead to God.  


Then one day I started seeing "Harvest Crusade" signs and bumper stickers everywhere.  I asked at work if anyone knew what a Harvest Crusade was.  One guy told me to go, but he didn't tell me what it was.  So, I decided to go.  It turned out to be a huge Evangelistic Outreach at the baseball stadium.  "You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart."  Jeremiah 29:13.  That's when I asked Jesus to come into my heart, July 26, 1992.  Praise the Lord!  


So, here I am, a born-again Christian--but wait a minute--what about the drug problem.  I still wasn't delivered from the drugs.  One day some people came knocking on my door, inviting me to their church.  So I started attending church and was baptized.  Our Pastor had invited someone from a Bible College in San Diego to teach a Bible Study class.  Little did I know that he and I would be married within the year.  But not before God had delivered me from the drugs--no withdrawals, cravings, or anything.  I was totally set free from that bondage.  Only God is truly able to intervene and release us from the various bondages that shackle us.  "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."  John 8:36.  Yes, God still does miracles and He is alive today as He ever was!  Praise the Lord!


God had sent me a wonderful husband, whom I love dearly.  His name is Allen, and we have been married almost 18 years.  Our marriage was a divine intervention of the Lord.  See, I told you it had a happy ending!


Thank you for reading my testimony.  I hope it has been a blessing to you.
~ Submitted by Jessica Poff
ISBC Women's Ministry
Events Coordinator