Friday, April 5, 2013

WOW! ISBC Woman of the Week April 5 ~ Pamela Vandyke

My name is Pamela Vandyke. I have been married to Mike for 18 yrs this April. I have a step son Ethan 21 and a son Evan 8.

I praise the Lord everyday for my son Evan. He is a reminder to me from God, I believe, that even though things may look bad and you feel your at the end. God comes through and turns what seemed so bad into something so AWESOME.

I had a mass behind my left ovary and the doctor believed it to be cancer. I went through the emotions and surgery. A praise that the mass was not cancerous!! But see God did not just stop there. He gave me Evan not too long after. I feel as a reminder that He is always there. And even though I may have to endure some cutting and recontrution, He always has my best at hand.
~Submitted by Jessica Poff
ISBC Women's Ministry
Events Coordinator