Annual Retreat

Ridgecrest Conference Center:

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 or contact Jessica Poff or Melissa Sherfey.
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One Word- Two Things
Yes, at our ISBC Ladies’ Retreat this year we are again choosing “One Word” to use as a focus for us in the coming year!! ( I know some of you have said you have already chosen your word!!!) Kathy Tilley and Martha Rhoton will help you with this. Please read through this post (a cup of coffee or tea may be required!) .
First: We need scrapbooking supplies-  stick-on letters, background  paper, flowers        ( like little denim or burlap ones, etc.), regular and specialty scissors that cut great trims, edging, etc.- to make our Word Cards. Any supplies that you can donate would be appreciated and for any items you bring that we just borrow, please have your name on them to help get them back to you.
Second: What “One Word” means. Here are some things copied from a couple of sites to help explain about this. When I started doing this at retreats years ago, it was something new that I saw from Ali Edwards. Now there are classes, books, and studies about this!! I also am including a loooooong list of words from which you may choose- BUT, you also may just “happen” upon a word or Paige may say something in her presentation that will make you just KNOW that this is where you need to focus. It can be about the person you want to be, or something in your life you need to do, or something you want to feel more. It’s beautiful when that light bulb comes on and you know “THAT’S my word!” and  where you need to focus. I tell about my personal one word at the end of this e-mail, after the long list of words. So, here is what it’s all about:
Let me let you in on a seldom recognized truth: Change is possible, but focus is required.
You don’t need a gym membership or more will power, a new organizational system or a financial planner to make the changes you desire this year as much as you need clarity and sustained focus over time.
That is why our goal is to help you choose just one word to be your focus for the next twelve months, and to help you keep your attention fixed on your word.
Our resolutions seldom work because they are based on the type of person we’re tired of being rather than who God wants us to become. Plus, resolutions can be “broken,” leaving no room for the process of growth. What if our hopes for the year ahead centered instead on who God wants us to become, and the transformation process?
It’s okay to want to be a better you, and the New Year is a natural time to start. The question is, how? My One Word replaces broken promises with a vision for real change. When you choose a single word, you have a clarity and focus. You are moving toward the future rather than swearing off the past.
So how do you go about picking a word?

We’ve listed out a few steps to help you get started!
 The first step is to simply take some time and decide what kind of person you want to be at the end of this year. This goes beyond simply being healthier and wealthier, but it must drive deep into your soul. What about the condition of your heart? What about the person that God Himself has created you to be?

Get a picture of that person and then simply identify their major characteristics. Is that person gentle? Is that person generous? What are the qualities of the person you want to become?
 Once you have a list of the characteristics, simply pick a word. There might be fifteen things that you want to change, but you must resist the temptation to promise you will do them all. Instead, simply commit to ONE WORD.
This will provide you with a lens to see the changes you need to make as well as a way to determine whether or not change is actually happening. Understand that this process is hard, but staying focused on your word will help you to struggle in the right direction so that you can actually see God working in your life.



I have had the same word for the last two years ( it took that long!! And I STILL work on it! ): Simplify. There were too many things physically, mentally, and emotionally cluttering up my life and I didn’t have time to do what I really wanted to do. I started with physical clutter- when you cannot sit down and relax without having to move magazines or “stuff” or there is so much “stuff” that you cannot quickly dust, store items, etc. My daughter, daughter-in-law, and HGTV ( Ha!)  have all helped in that I see how they do it and learn from them!!! It is freeing. It really is. ( My daughter-in-law has Six kids, teaches, is a pastor’s wife, etc. and her house is cleaner than mine and much more organized!!) When we free our surroundings, we free our minds. More time to read, study the Bible, make food for others, etc.- in other words, be the kind of woman that I feel God wants me to be. This year’s word is different because I’m at a different place in my life. I'll create my card there ………

Martha Rhoton


Cost:      $100, if $50 deposit paid by December 31, 2016. Extended 
              $125, if registering in 2017.

Registration is now underway through the offices at both campuses of ISBC.  Please note that deposits are nonrefundable but are transferable.  This includes double-occupancy room (Qn. beds, private bath, and private balcony)  all inclusive weekend.  There are a very limited number of private rooms available for $150/person (non-refundable). Payment plans are available.  Deadline to register is January 29.  Payment in full due by February 12, 2017.  

Our retreat center location has beautiful views of Mt. LeConte and everything will take place in the one large two-story building (there is no elevator).  Check it out here: Wafloy Mountain Village

You will not want to miss this retreat!  Don't delay registering!