Monday, April 23, 2012

Embracing Your Husband

How do we do it? We are constantly multitasking, multi functioning, and have five gazillion projects going at once. Every day we hold out hope for that Calgon moment that never seems to come.

As women, we tend to want to make sure everyone is happy and in the process we end up assuming fault for situations we have no control over. We run from thing-to-thing trying to accomplish everything at once. Meanwhile our husband, who needs time with us, gets the shaft. We spend time on all these 'important things' , and he comes last. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says, "Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God"

We live in a world where women can do and be anything we want but that doesn't mean that we should. Things we juggle in life may be good things, but not always God things. There's a difference! This precious man that swept us off our feet, and that we couldn't get enough of, only gets what's left of us. He doesn't express how he feels, but he's thinking ' I guess I'm not very important to her anymore'.

A good marriage and family life are worth sacrificing for. We need to reserve time for our man. You're worth it, he's worth it and everyone will benefit from it. Your husband needs you, have an affair with him again...are you up for a challenge?

Ecclesiastes 3:1 "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity."

To learn more about ways to minister to your husband, come to my seminar "Embracing Your Husband" on April 28th, from 9:00-1:00. It will be at the ISBC Glenwood Campus on E. Center Street, in Kingsport. It is FREE of charge!
For more information, e-mail me at, or call 423-817-1753.

Jeni Morelock