Friday, April 20, 2012

WOW! ISBC Woman of the Week - Alice Culberson

This week's WOW! is long-time ISBC member, Alice Culberson.  Read below for Alice's testimony in her own words.....

Seashells, tide pools, and snorkeling – favorite things of a girl who grew up in the mountains of Southwest Virginia?  That’s what happens when the Lord puts together a country girl with a guy from Miami.   

I grew up on a farm where I learned to love the Lord and His creation through the influence of my parents and others. Accepting Christ at age 11, it wasn’t until my teens that I learned the importance of the Holy Spirit in a Christian’s life and really began to grow spiritually.   

After college and working as a librarian for several years, Wayne and I met in church.  We began our married life together 31 years ago.  We’ve been blessed with sons Taylor and Austin.  Taylor, along with wife Cayla and our precious granddaughter Sophie, live in San Diego where Taylor serves in the Navy.  Austin is a sophomore at Clemson, majoring in mechanical engineering.

Our family has been blessed to be a part of ISBC for almost 20 years.  My involvement at ISBC has spanned a wide range of activities from working with toddlers and children, teaching Vacation Bible School and adult women, to being active in WMU (Woman’s Missionary Union).  Through all this, my real passion is learning about, supporting and sharing with others the importance of missions.  Jesus calls all Christians to be on mission wherever we are, as we go about our lives wherever the Lord has placed us.  Specifically, He has called some to devote their life’s work to the mission field at home and abroad.  It is exciting to be a part of their work through prayer, knowing the challenges they face and sometimes, even coming alongside them to work.

I am so thankful to the Lord Jesus for his mercy and grace in my life.  Of the many things I have been taught by the Lord through the years, two things really stand out today:  

1) The importance and power of prayer in a Christian’s life.  “Pray without ceasing” and let others know you are praying for them.   

2) “Being” who God wants me to be is much more important than “doing” all the many things I could be a part of.  Being too busy often gets in the way of truly seeking the Lord and being obedient to His guidance in my daily life.

Thanks for letting me share and I look forward to getting to know many more WOWs' over the coming weeks.