Thursday, May 31, 2012

Consider What He Has Done

Heavens Request
As we go through our day from point A to point B, doing everything under the sun, we stay so busy we barely find time to look up.

As I was riding down the road, finally in the passenger seat able to look around, I marveled at the beautiful rays of light coming out of the clouds. What brilliance and beauty God placed right in front of my eyes!  His glory and creation right there. It was as if God said "daughter, why don't you take time to look at the splendor and beauty of My creations and enjoy them?"

As I read Ecclesiastes today preparing for Bible study, I realized how many times King Solomon talked about "everything under the sun".  All of these things under the sun are things from Gods way, out of His will. Everything above the sun is His way.

We spend our lives running from here to there, trying to finish our tasks and to do lists and rarely realize that the fulfillments we are seeking "are meaningless, chasing after the wind" - Ecclesiastes 1:14. We need to refocus on God, and His many blessings - seeking things above the sun.

Ecclesiastes 7:13 "consider what God has done"
Ecclesiastes 8:16 "when I applied my mind to know wisdom and to observe mans' labor on earth- his eyes not seeing sleep day or night, vs.17, "then I saw all that God has done."

We must apply our mind to know wisdom, so we can embrace what God has done and take time to reflect on Him instead of these exhausting, menial tasks.

Heavenly Father, as we go through life hurrying and trying to get all our menial tasks completed, open our eyes to realize your magnificent works and wonders. Help us to seek out things above the sun instead of chasing after the wind wearing ourselves out.  Stir our hearts, open our minds in focus of you and your desires. In Jesus' precious name. Amen.

~ Submitted by Jeni Morelock