Friday, June 1, 2012

WOW! Woman of the Week ~ Deborah Holman

I was raised in the Mount Carmel area of Hawkins County until the eighth grade when we moved to Indian Springs. I lived there until I graduated from Central High School in 1971. I then went to Tennessee Technological University, where I met Erwin. We dated for several years before we decided to get married in 1975. We both graduated that year with degrees in Engineering-Erwin in Civil Engineering and me in Chemical Engineering. We moved to Ohio and worked there for about a year and then moved to Oak Ridge and worked there for a year. Then we moved to Mount Carmel for a year and then to South Carolina while Erwin worked at Eastman. Then he was transferred to Holston Defense and then to Eastman, where he retired from in 2009. In all these times I stayed home and was mother to three children -- Jonathan, Benjamin, and Sarah. Both boys are now married and they each have two children. So now I have four grandchildren-two boys and two girls. They are a thrill and a joy to me. Just as our children were getting out and on with their lives, I developed breast cancer. By God’s grace I didn’t have much trouble with the chemo or the radiation. Then three years later I developed angiosarcoma and had a recurrence three years after that. I am fine and with God’s help I haven’t had any trouble along the way.

I was saved when I was a young girl about 10 years old. We lived in Mount Carmel then and I had excellent teachers and examples to live by. After we moved to Indian Springs we went to church at Indian Springs for a while and then to Gunnings Baptist Church. While in college I took part in the Baptist Student Union and traveled with their choir for concerts. After Erwin and I moved here we started going to Indian Springs Baptist and have been here ever since. We worked for several years with going on disaster relief projects for the Red Cross. It was always good to be able to help and give God the glory for what we could do. I do like to write cards to encourage others and don’t do that often enough. But even more I want to pray for people, our church, and our country.

As you can see I have lived a pretty normal life and continue to do so. I like to stay in the back ground and keep quiet. The best thing about my life is that God has let me lead a quiet life with my family even in the midst of turmoil.

~ Submitted by Kathy Neal
    ISBC Women's Ministry
    Communications Coordinator