Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Women's Ministry Wednesday

Two Girls With Bible
~ The Ladies have spoken and we've listened! We want to have more fellowship opportunities between the two campuses. We need ideas as well as places to "host". If you are interested in helping organize or host a monthly Womens Ministry fellowship at your home or buisness, please let Jessica know! or (423) 534-1616

~ Remember our women's ministry meeting is the first Sunday of every month at 5:00 in room A208 at the Hill Rd campus. This meeting is open to any of our ISBC ladies. Come join us and give your input and ideas!!

~  This week's WOW! feels very blessed that every day as she walks through the doors to her job, she walks under a large banner that states "In God We Trust".  Find out who she is this Friday!
~ Submitted by Kathy Neal
   ISBC Women's Ministry
   Communications Coordinator