Thursday, May 24, 2012

Weeding our Spiritual Garden

Little Boy Weeding Garden

It's that time of year when we're all outside pulling weeds, preparing soil, planting our gardens from flowers to veggies. As I pull all the crabgrass from the flowerbed it's so irritating you can't just barely pull, you have to get down in the soil to the root, wondering why it's such a tedious task, yet if you leave the weed it chokes out the plant.

As I worked this weekend weeding, digging, preparing the soil, I finally got to plant the flowers. It was a relief to see those pretty blooms in the flower beds that I had labored over, yet that doesn't mean the work is done. Care is still required to nourish the plants and weed control is needed just to keep them blooming.

Our spiritual life is the same way. At the moment of salvation God cultivates our lives and cleans the beds for us. The seeds are planted yet it requires care so that we are 'fruit bearing'. We have to be consistent in pulling the weeds in our life; seeking nourishment to keep the blooms looking well. God expects us to continually cultivate and care for His plants.

Jesus said in John 15:5 He is the vine we are the branches and he who abides in Him bears much fruit.
Matthew 7:17 tells us "every good tree bears good fruit" verse 16 tells us that we are known by our fruit, and verse 19 says that every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down".

As we spend time in our yards and gardens we need to remind ourselves that God expects us to cultivate our lives for Him, pulling out the weeds, feeding our souls with living water - which is Christ. We can't allow the weeds of our lives to choke out the beautiful plant God desires us to be.
We have to remember that thorns & thistles came forth as part of the discipline from God because of Adam and Eve's sin - sin is the root of our 'weeds' and we have to pull it out by the roots.

Galatians 5:22-23 " the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control" verse 24 & 25 tell us that "those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in The Spirit let us also walk in The Spirit"

Don't allow the weeds of sin to keep you from blooming. Do some pruning, so that your blooms are brilliantly colorful.

~ Submitted by Jeni Morelock