Friday, May 18, 2012

WOW! ISBC Woman of the Week ~ Susan Cox

I moved to the Tri-Cities, Kingsport area, and joined ISBC in 2005. I have two children—Keith of Kingsport at ISBC and Deborah of Wytheville, VA. I also have six grandchildren. I was born in Danville, VA, and lived with my parents and brother, Charles. When I was 12 I talked to my brother and accepted the Lord as my Savior. I was sick a lot as a child but the Lord has taught me a lot and to trust in Him and pray. My Mom would always say “We will just pray about it!”

            Since coming to ISBC, the Lord has done a lot of miracles in my life. I always want to do His will in my life. I was given the opportunity in 2009 to go to Guatemala with our Missions Team. I prayed about it and the Lord provided the way. When we planned the trip, we all started praying the Lord would prepare the hearts of all the people there. When we arrived, we went out and started to talk to people, and we couldn’t believe it the next morning! I had talked to a lady the day before, who had been divorced, and she was saved. She had a friend waiting to talk to me standing in the doorway.This was the most exciting time for me to see all these people saved. The families were all getting saved together—4 or 5 at a time! It was almost shoutingtime!!

             We gave the children Mission Dolls and stuffed animals. They were so proud of these. Their faces just lit up. When we returned home, the Lord began to deal with me, and I thought why not share these Mission Dolls with other children. I talked to our Pastor, and we started making the Mission Dolls and taking them to Bristol Regional Hospital, Holston Valley, and some Assistant Living Homes. At this time, we are sending out around 300 dolls a month with our church’s name and address on them as a Mission.

            If you would like to be a part of this Mission, contact me and all the supplies are provided for the dolls and we would love to have your help. We have some very special ladies, who help each month and do a great job!

            If you ever have the chance to go on a Mission Trip—go. You will never regret it. I hope I will be able to go again. I am excited about what God has planned for me in the future. Since being at ISBC, I have served as a member of WOM, Assistant to Seniors Serving Others, Anne Sisters, Kitchen Committee that serves Central Football Team, Vacation Bible School, Senior Choir, and I Care.

            This is my favorite verse I leave with you, “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me” Philippians 4:13.