Thursday, June 21, 2012

Embracing Your Husband Part II

Do you ever wonder, what does God expect from you as a wife?  As women, one of the most difficult things to deal with is being busy.  We are overworked! Everyone needs something from us. Between the one evening a week at church, kids needing to be in three different locations at the same time, helping at school, not to mention your regular job,or the part time business you have on the side, there just isn't enough of you to go around. Because of all the multi-tasking that we do, we find ourselves juggling much larger loads than our husbands. If we are too busy climbing the corporate ladder, or carpooling, our relationship with our husbands will be the first to suffer.

It's really sad that in today's society, that our marriages aren't a high priority. The reality is, marriage is a lot like constructing a building, the foundation has to be laid properly, and the correct material has to be used so your structure is sturdy and durable, otherwise the building looks decent on the outside but inside, over time, you find cracks that keep widening across the surface. Before you know it, your building begins to shift, then fall.   Then.. you find yourself with some big decisions.  Either you invest time and energy to rebuild, repair, or leave it all behind.

How are you supposed to take care of it all? Where does your husband fit in? Your husband didn't marry you because you were a good mother, a good sister, aunt, or Miss professional.. He married you for YOU,  to be his one! You entered into a covenant with both him and God. If for no other reason than this, you should make him a priority in your life.  You must spend time with him and for him.

God first.
Husband second,
then everything else.

In Genesis, as scripture explains the creation of man and woman, God Himself said it was not good for man to be alone, therefore, God created a suitable helper for Adam, Eve.  Suitable helper comes from the Hebrew word 'neged', accurately paraphrased 'a helper co-responding to him', therefore translated to the word suitable.

What does it mean to be a "helper?" If you hired someone as your helper at your place of employment what would your expectations for that person be? Would it be for them to take over? Or, handle their other business on your time? Or not complete any of the tasks you need completed? Are you your husband's helper?

God didn't create Eve to be superior to Adam, neither was she designed to be his slave. God gave them a perfect relationship, they saw each other as 'one'... until Eve fell into sin.

Join us next week as we continue looking at how Eve's sin still follows us today.