Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Women's Ministry Wednesday-June 20

Pottery Painting Party - Have you signed up yet?  Bring a friend and an appetizer and join the fun at Brushstrokes n' More, 3432 Ft. Henry Drive, Col. Heights, on June 28th from 6:00-8:00.  The cost is $5 per person, plus the cost of what you choose to paint.
Sandwiches and drinks will be provided.  Last date to sign up is Tuesday, June 26th.  Call Jessica Poff at 534-1616 to sign up or e-mail for more information.

Shoe and Sock Drive for Gibsontown - September 21st and 22nd.
Volunteers are needed to set up collection points. Others are needed to help set up on the 21st to get ready for distribution on Sept. 22nd.
Contact Melissa Sherfey at for more details.

Bible StudyLadies are needed to lead Small Group Bible Studies, or Book studies in their home, one day or evening per week for six weeks.  Please contact Susie Toomey at 383-9314 or if you are interested.

Ladies Bible Study Conference with Priscilla Shirer's DVD series, Jonah; Navigating a Life Interrupted will be held in the SAC Friday evening 6:00-9:15 pm, and Saturday morning 8:45-9:00 am, August 24th-25th. The study is free, but sign-up by August 19th is encouraged.  Sign up in the lobby at Hill Rd, or the hallway leading to the Fellowship Hall at Glenwood, or contact Susie Toomey at 383-9314 or

"This week's WOW is a professional gardener and kept the same job for 37 years!"
Read her story this Friday, June 22nd at