Thursday, June 28, 2012

Embracing Your Husband-Submission

Picking up where we left off last week, this week we are going to discuss how the perfect, harmonious union of Adam and Eve went wrong and how it effects us still today.

God's original design for Adam and Eve wasn't for Adam to be superior to her. He gave them the perfect relationship. The man willingly provided for her, and she willingly submitted. Adam saw Eve as one with him in every respect, which was God's design.

God's original plan wasn't for headship. The word 'rule' is translated meaning 'to reign'.

Unfortunately, Eve was tempted by Satan, and sinned, which instituted the fall of man. Therefore, there were consequences. There were many parts to the 'sin curse', you can read in Genesis 3:16-24, but today we're going to look at one part of it. In verse 16 it says,  "Your desire will be to rule over your husband but he will rule over you." This is why as women to even hear 'submission' we automatically think it sounds horrible. Thus,the battle of the sexes began, women's liberation, etc. As women, our fleshly, sinful inclination is to put the man under our feet. It's all part of the sin curse.

So what exactly is submission? Yielding. Giving others priority by seeking to enhance their glory rather than your own. A voluntary act of obedience and faith, seeking his best interest before your own.

The worlds view of submission, well- its all wrong, it's thought of as more of a wrestling match until the opponent is taken down and counted out. And to the world, the greatest is the one who has no one over him, no one to answer to. However, in the kingdom of God, the greatest is the one with everyone over him.

Biblical submission is universal submission:

1st we are subject to God (Ephesians 5:21,22; 6:11; 1 Peter 1:17 2:7)

2nd we are subject to our husband (1 Corinthians 7:3-5; Ephesians 5:21-22 1 Peter 3:1-7)

3rd we are subject to one another (Ephesians 5:21 Romans 12:10 Phil. 2:1-8)

4th we are subject to all ( 1 Peter 2:13-17)

1 Peter 2:13-3:7 "submit yourself for the Lords sake" Period. Done. That's why you submit. Not because your husband is worthy, but for the Lords sake. As citizens we have laws and authority to prevent the nation from falling into a state of anarchy. Likewise, as the church we have to submit to our leadership, because our leaders keep watch over us and will be held accountable for the way they lead us. ( Hebrews 13:17)

Biblical submission is different from secular submission, it comes from the heart, motivated by faith, hope, and love, resulting in self sacrifice. Our role as women is to defer to our husbands leadership, protection and care. Ephesians 5:23 "for the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the Church"

When we are submissive wives, It's glorifying to God.

Be a suitable helper for him. Be submissive.

Jeni Morelock