Thursday, June 7, 2012

Handling Anger

As a mom I give my children a lot of advice. One piece of advice my mother gave me that has stayed with me is, "what angers you, controls you". Seems like every time I find myself angry that saying pops in my head.  I find myself thinking, do I really want 'this' to control me?

Proverbs 29:22  says, "An angry man stirs up dissension and a hot tempered one commits many sins."

When we allow feelings of anger in our hearts and minds, they consume us. We think about it constantly and everyone around us feels it, leading us to places we don't want to go. For one thing, our mouths overflow with the rash feelings stored inside of us. In Matthew 12:34 Jesus says, "Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks" Can you see the truth in that, how our anger is sparked then escalates, then before you know it an eruption of words?

These things that anger us are usually petty small things, and sometimes things that never happened. We take information, read into it, and draw conclusions. As followers of Jesus, we should remember that we have been bestowed all sufficient grace and we should extend it to others, not allowing anger to consume us or affect our day. Pray about these situations. Let God take the feelings of anger from you. Release them to Him - let them go.

Spiritual warfare is very real, don't let Satan steal your joy. Gods grace is sufficient. Remember Mom's advice,  "What angers you controls you." Be a spirit led woman. Allow Him to control you.

Jeni Morelock