Monday, June 18, 2012

How to Raise Godly Children Part I

Jeni Morelock is sharing a series every Thursday, for the next few weeks, on how to love your husband as Christ commands you to do.  The perfect complement to her series is How to Raise Godly Children, so for the next few weeks, I am going to be sharing some Bible based tips on raising kids.  Now, I'm no expert on child-rearing, but I am an experienced mother of three.  My daughters are now 40, 37, and 31.  I made many mistakes in parenting, but I do know my heart's desire, above all else, was for them to know Christ as their saviour, and for them to love Him above all others. I often say that my children turned out great in spite of me.  They all love God with their whole heart, soul, and mind.  This is the most important accomplishment of my life!

I was raised in a Christian home, too.  Going to church on Sunday morning and Sunday night, Wednesday night, and every activity in between, was never a discussion. It was understood that come Sunday morning, we would all be in attendance.  We weren't asked if we wanted to go.  Our opinions didn't matter.  We went to church, no questions asked!  This is how my children were raised, too.  How can we expect our children to grow up loving Jesus and the things of God if they aren't taught that going to His house of worship is a priority? How can they fall in love with someone they only hear mention of on occasion?  It is our responsibility as parents to teach them the things of God.  We must teach it at home and reinforce it by going to church and having them involved in Bible Study and worship. I like the New Living Translation of Hebrews 10:25, "And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near." 

I recently heard a sermon on parenting.  The pastor said "It's easier to build children than it is to repair a man (adult)."  How true this is! I've observed parents who made the mistake of putting everything else above attending church with their children.  I've seen the results of that through their children, who were the farthest thing from godly. The time to train up a child is when they are children.  It's very hard, and often too late, to try to repair the damage the world does to by the time they reach their teenage years.

Are you taking your children to church on a regular basis?  Do they understand the importance of worship and the fellowship with other Christians?  What message are you sending to them?  Is it one of love and commitment to Christ, or love and commitment to things of this world?  It isn't a grey area.  It's black and white.  Jesus says you are either for him or against him.  There's no in between.  

"Lord, I pray for the parents who read this post.  I pray that they would take a stand for you in their home and teach their children that you are the way, the truth , and the life. Open their eyes, Lord, to the importance of being in your house to worship and learn more about you.  May their children see YOU in their lives and turn to YOU for their own salvation.  Amen!"

Pam Archer, Director
ISBC Women's Ministry