Friday, June 15, 2012

WOW! Woman of the Week ~ Linda King

My name is Linda Vinsant King. I grew up in Dalton, GA. I am from a large family. There were 7 of us. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters, whom I love very much. My brothers grew up playing baseball. My dad coached their teams until they reached high school. I spent many summers at ball fields while growing up.
I met my husband Chuck when I had finished 1 year of college. He was a former teacher and coach. We met in December 1974, became engaged in May 1975 and married in August 1975. I have been married most of my life! 

Prior to having children, I obtained my degree as a Registered Nurse. Our daughter Jennifer was born after completing my degree. A job change for Chuck took us to Glen Burnie, MD for a couple of years. We had a chance to move to Bristol, TN, with another job change for Chuck. The best part of coming to Bristol was that it was where Chuck’s family lived.  Greg was born when we had been in Bristol for 2 years.
In 1989 we had a home built in Indian Springs. With that move, we started attending Indian Springs Baptist Church. It was at ISBC that our children made their professions of faith in Christ. Those years were very special for our family, as we all grew in our faith, serving the Lord together. We left ISBC for a few years after moving back to Bristol, attending the church Chuck grew up in. It was there that we were able to share the many things we learned at ISBC.  After being away for a few years, we made the decision to return to ISBC. We love being back “home”.
Our daughter Jennifer is married and has 2 children, Jake who is 5 and Emma who is 2 ½. We love to keep them as often as their parents will allow! Jake and Emma love coming to ISBC with us!

Greg played baseball from the time he was 5 years of age until he was 22, playing the game while in college. We found ourselves at the ball field…again and again. Greg recently married Amber Morrell. He became an instant dad to Amber’s son Jack, so we have another grandchild. We are so excited to see what the Lord has in store for Greg, Amber, and Jack.
I left my position as a nurse in 2001. I currently substitute teach in the Sullivan County school system. This satisfies a longing I’ve always had to be a teacher.
Having been around baseball most of my life I suppose is the reason why I love the sport. There are so many places to witness to the lost and encourage those who are wavering in their walk with the Lord. One of our mission fields has been at the ball park. If you’re faith gets stronger and you encourage others while witnessing to them, then it’s not a bad place to be.

~  Submited by Kathy Neal
    ISBC Women's Ministry
    Communications Coordinator