Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Women's Ministry Wednesday - July 25


Clean Eating
Brandy Kisner, who is our Health & Wellness Coordinator, will be presenting a "Clean Eating" seminar on August 7th, at 6:30.  The cost is $25.00. The class is currently scheduled to meet in the SAC, but watch the bulletin and the WMW e-mails in case the location needs to change. There has already been a big response to this, so we are anticipating a full class.

Our Woman of the Week this week used to be a Mobile Missionary. Can you guess who it is?  Find out this Friday at

Small Groups
Many of you are inquiring about Small Groups and what they are.  Our purpose in having these groups is to make a way for you to meet other ladies in the church, to make new friends, and find people you can connect with. Some of these groups will do Bible studies, others are Book Discussion Groups, and some are classes, but all are based on biblical principles and scripture. They are offered on different days and times during the week to accommodate various schedules. Since they are designated to be small groups, please sign-up for only one.  In January, we hope to offer many more. If you feel led to lead a group, please contact our Discipleship Coordinator, Susie Toomey at, or call her at 423-383-9314.

Here are the Small Groups that we are starting in August and September.  You can get more details on the blog at
Please sign-up at the WM table in the main lobby at Hill Rd, and in the hallway at Glenwood

Martha Rhoton
- Book Study, "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp
This group will meet in her home,Tuesdays at 7:30, six-weeks beginning September 4th

Jeni Morelock - Book Study, "Not a Fan"
Wednesdays at 6:00-7:30, Room 215, Hill Rd, beginning August 15th

Glenna Bartley - Bible Study - "Be a Biblical Detective"
Tuesdays at 9:30, beginning August 14th, in her home

Brandy Kisner - Class - "Eat Clean"
Thursdays at 6:30 in her home, beginning September 13th, for six weeks
(This class is limited to 10 people)

Pam Archer - Class - "The Art of Hospitality"
Mondays at 6:30, in her home, beginning September 10th.
(This class is limited to 12 people)

Teresa Reynolds - DVD Bible Study "Nehemiah" by Kelly Mintor
Wednesdays at 6:00 at Glenwood, beginning August 15th

Jackie Mumpower - Book Study "Authentic Relationships"
Mondays at 6:45 in her home, beginning September 10th

Shirley Thomas - Bible Study "God Doesn't Have a Plan B" based on II Peter
Thursdays at 10:00 in her home, beginning September 13th


Game Night
Aug 2nd-630: game night at Jamie Chadwick's house. Address provided next week.

Dinner Night Aug 13th 600: Dinner Night at McCallisters Deli in Kingsport

Annual Holiday Dinner Date Change  Mark your calendars! The annual Ladies Holiday Dinner will be Saturday evening, November 17th at MeadowView; Cattails Ballroom.  Tickets will go on sale in October. The cost is $25. If you would like to be a table hostess, please contact Pam Archer at or 292-9418. Our special speaker is Tamara LaRoux.

Ladies Conference
Friday night (6:00-9:15)and Saturday morning (8:45-12:00), August 24th and 25th, in the SAC. We will be viewing the Priscilla Shirer DVD series "Jonah, Navigating a Life Interrupted". There isn't a fee, but sign-up is appreciated to know how much food to purchase. Please sign-up at the WM table in the foyer. Food will be provided both days.

Third Annual Fit for the King Race DaySunday, September 16th is the date for this event at Warrior's Path State Park. Sign-up sheets are located at the WM table in the church foyer. All race participants are required to register. We would also like to know how many people will be coming with you to enjoy the activities and meal, or who wish to purchase a t-shirt.  T-shirts are included with registration for the 5K race.  The 5K is $20. The 3K walk, the Kids' Run, and the Kids' Dash are all free. Festivities begin at 4:30 pm. For more info, contact Pam Archer, or 292-9418.  We need volunteers. See the Volunteer Sign-up sheet at the WM table in the foyer.

Gibsontown Sock and Shoe Drive
September 21st-22nd.  More than 300 pairs of socks and shoes are needed for the children. Volunteers at both campuses are needed to oversee the collection points.  Many more volunteers will be needed on the dates of set-up and distribution. Contact Melissa Sherfey for more info or to volunteer.  glenwoodoffice@isbc.orgPrecept Ministries Women's Conferences in Chattanooga: 

Speakers Kay Arthur and staff.  Worship Leader: Alicia Williamson Garcia.
Fall Conference 2012: October 19-21,
Friday evening 5 pm through Sunday 1 pm.
Spring Conference 2013: April 12-14
Friday evening 5 pm through Sunday 1 pm.
Cost : $195 per conference which includes conference, materials and 6 full meals.
Go to and click on events. OR call 1-800-763-8280 to register, or contact Susan Butler for more information and travel plans.