Thursday, July 26, 2012

Seed on Shallow Ground

So often in our busy lives our responsibilities become well, overwhelming. We tend to put our focus everywhere except the word of God, the Bible. God's word is so practical.  Every piece of advice we need, every move we should make, is all there for us.

It breaks my heart to see a woman start strong in the Christian walk, then wither like the seed sown on shallow ground (Matthew 4:3-9).  There are so many reasons it happens, but one big reason is she's simply not making it priority to spend time in God's word. God's word is perfect for reviving the soul.  It says so itself in Psalm 19. God's word is so important for us, because as believers we need to place the highest value on knowing God's word and obeying it, or else our walk with Him won't go very far. We may see His wonders, but we'll never experience His heart. We may do great things, but not walk in His presence. In order to know God in a deep, personal way, we have to spend time with Him - primarily through His word.

God loves you beyond your comprehension, walk with Him!

Jeni Morelock