Monday, July 16, 2012

Small Groups Beginning in August

ISBC grown so much over the past five years. We are one church, meeting at two locations; one at the original site on Hill Rd. and the other in downtown Kingsport on E. Center St. We refer to them as the Hill Road Campus and the Glenwood Campus.

God has blessed us so much!  There are many advantages to being a big church.  We have many more resources now than we did ten years ago.  The disadvantage is that it is easy to get lost in the crowd and feel disconnected.  One of the ways we are going to begin to remedy this is by starting Small Groups, meeting in various homes, at the church, and at other venues.  

Small Groups offer the opportunity to connect with other people in a more intimate setting. Friendships are formed and you begin to feel a sense of community, connectivity, if you will. This Fall, Women's Ministry is taking a step in this direction with forming Small Groups. The following groups are starting on different dates and various days and times during the week. There's something of interest to everyone.  We may add to this list as the time draws near, but here are the group leaders who have committed at present.  All the what, where, and when answers are in the description of each Small Group.  Note that a few of them have to limit the size of the class, due to space issues.  But, don't fret if you can't get in to your 1st choice the first time.  They will be offered again in January.  Who knows?  Maybe YOU will be led to become a leader yourself.  Reserve your space in one of these Small Groups as soon as you can.  The contact information is listed in the description of the class. 
Book Study, “One Thousand Gifts” by Ann Voskamp - Martha Rhoton -
Come together to enjoy delving deeper into a spiritually uplifting, comforting, soul-searching, BEST SELLER, book entitled One Thousand Gifts. It is described as "A beautifully practical guide to living a life of joy, One Thousand Gifts invites you to wake up to God's everyday blessings. As Ann Voskamp discovered, in giving thanks for the life she already had, she found the life she'd always wanted." This is "Not merely a book to read, { it} begs to be embraced as a dynamic, interactive primer inviting you to engage with truths that will serve up the depths of God's joy and transform your life forever."

We will read two chapters before we meet each week and discuss, analyze, and interact with the material and others in the group. Martha will be the facilitator and we will meet in her home at 7:30 on Tuesday evenings starting September 4th and ending October 9. Please contact Martha at by Sunday, August 26, if you can attend and for any further information. You will be responsible for obtaining your copy of the book. Plan to join us for this "dare to live fully right where you are."

“Not a Fan” - Jeni Morelock
In the gospels, Jesus never seemed too interested in fans, He was looking for followers. Completely Committed Followers! How would things change if you lived as Jesus lived, and loved the way Jesus loved? Maybe you’re ready to step across the line and say "I'm not a fan". If so, join us for this 6 week study, beginning August 15th, Hill Rd campus, Room 215 – 6:00-7:30 pm

Be a Biblical Detective - Glenna Bartley
(Learn how to read the Word) -
An exciting method to observing, interpreting & applying God's Word in your life -
Tools will be available, such as: Bible Dictionary, Almanac, Maps, Concordance, etc -
(Bring what you have to share with others)

Tuesday mornings 9:30am
Beginning August 14th
1305 Dupont Drive
Glenna Bartley cell 423-429-5455 or

“Eat Clean” -Brandy Kisner
Teaching you how to avoid processed foods and preservatives, and eat more foods the way God created them.  We will be learning how to read labels, make healthy choices, and clean up any recipe to be a healthy version.  Class will be on Thursdays at 6:30 at my home 390 Grandview Court Kingsport, beginning September 13th, and will run for 6 weeks.  My email is and my cell is 782-8005 for more info.  The class size is limited to 10 women.

The Art of Hospitality - Pam Archer
The Bible says we are to be hospitable. Learn how in this 4 week course, which includes learning how to properly set a table, making creative centerpieces, arranging flowers, dining etiquette, and how to make people feel welcome in your home. This is a perfect class for moms and daughters/sons, too. Beginning on Monday, September 10th – Oct. 1st, at 6:30 pm, we will meet in my home, 512 Montezuma Rd., Kingsport.

Reserve your space by contacting Pam. or 292-9418. Limited to 10 -12 people. 

“Nehemiah”, by Kelly Mintor - Teresa Reynolds –
Beginning Wednesday, August 15th at the Glenwood Campus. This is a DVD series. Contact Teresa for information on how to purchase the Study Guide

Book Study “Authentic Relationships” - Jackie Mumpower
This book deals with how to be real in an artificial world. The class begins on Monday, September 10th, at 6:45, at Jackie’s home.  308 Stone Ct., Kingsport.

God Doesn't Have a Plan B - Shirley Thomas
This is a Bible Study based on II Peter.   It will meet on Thursday's at 10:00 AM, beginning September 13th. Shirley lives at 5604 Cheyenne Lane, Kingsport.  You can reach her at 

Pam Archer
Director of Women's Ministry
Indian Springs Baptist Church (ISBC)