Friday, July 13, 2012

WOW! Debbie Fink

I'm really a pretty boring person. I've had the same husband for 32 years, the same house for 24 years, taught biology at South High school for 20 years, and attended Colonial Heights Baptist  church for 31 years. Then, God shook up my apple cart. Two years ago my daughter,Allyson, went through an unforeseen divorce, and she and her 2 boys are now living with us. 

God has been good. I retired from teaching the year before all that happened, so life has been crazy, but we have seen God go before us in all things, and prove Himself faithful. Other things have happened on the roller coaster ride called life that I will not go into except to say that each one has shown me the grace of God and His faithfulness. 

Through a series of events, He brought me to Indian Springs- not without a fuss on my part, because remember I'm a boring person and don't particularly like change. I was quite content at my church and in my Sunday school class. But, He had other plans and now I am really excited to be at the ISBC Glenwood campus with some really wonderful people who love the Lord. 

Other stuff - We have traveled quite a bit in the west and Europe. My bucket list includes a ride in a hot air balloon. And yes, I do stupid things like para-sailing and realizing that once you are up there you have to come down somehow. 

My husband, Mike, and I like to camp and hike. I also have a son, Matthew, who lives on Knoxville and is an attorney in Sevierville, TN.  They have a 5 month-old, our granddaughter Johanna.

My prayer is that God will use us as He sees fit in these next years of our lives. That's enough about me, except to say my favorite thing to do now is read and teach the word of God, and I hope that God will continue to allow me this blessing. Thanks for asking.

Debbie Fink