Friday, August 10, 2012

WOW!-August 10th -Phyllis Nuerdenburg

I was born in Middlesboro, Kentucky in1944. I was an only child, and I had an only child, Kristie. Next to Jesus, my parents were the most wonderful people in the world! They were married for 65 years and passed away only two months apart in 2003. I still miss them terribly.

In 1945, we moved to Kingsport. I grew up in Litz Manor Baptist church, attending Sunday School, Training Union, G.A.s and VBS. I made Queen-with-a-Sceptor in G.A.s.

I was saved in 1955 in a revival at Litz Manor. I truly had the faith of a child. During VBS, they drew names out of a hat to determine who would carry the American and Christian Flags down the aisle. My friend and I got down on our hands and knees and prayed that we could carry the flags. They drew both our names out of the hat!

I graduated from Dobyns Bennet high school in 1963, and attended Lincoln Memorial University for one year. I decided college wasn't for me, so went to work at Eastman, where I worked for ten years. After that, I worked at Clothes Tree, in the Ft. Henry Mall. I discovered I had a talent for creating pretty window displays, and putting outfits together. I love clothes and makeup!

I have been a personal trainer to many at Great Body Company and Effective Fitness.  Other jobs included being a substitute teacher, and working at a coffee shop. I guess you can say I have made my living with my social skills! I have been working for Pam Archer and Maria LaBarbera at Pamela's Event Design for the past ten years. I love working in a Christian environment. We can talk freely about God, and listen to Christian music. We also laugh a lot. They tell me I am their comic relief.

We lived in California for three years when Kristie was a baby. She was born on my birthday!  She teaches school at Jonesborough Middle School.  We moved back to Kingsport in 1974. I have lived in the same house for 37 years.

For years I prayed for God to heal my marriage. After my husband left, it was very difficult, but God had something better for me.  I am now married to the most wonderful man in the world, Bill Neurdenburg! We didn't know we were getting married until two hours before. We went to talk to Tom and Barbara Suiter, who were very dear friends of ours, to see if he would consider marrying us. He asked if we wanted to get married that night, and we said yes. We got married in front of their fireplace, on December 22nd. Barbara fixed everything really pretty for us. We have been married thirteen years this December.

I have been a member of ISBC since 1986. I serve as a Greeter. I have a heart for the poor, remembering what a hard time I had as a single parent trying to get by. I serve in the Indian Springs Food Pantry, where I use my love for clothes to put outfits together for those in need of clothing.

I love studying the Bible. This year will mark the ninth consecutive year to read it all the way through. I give the One-Year Bible away in memory of my parents. These Bibles are in many places in the world now.

I love my friends dearly. Steve and Susan Butler, Charles and Pam Archer, and Steve and Vernon Lott have always been there for me.  J.R. and Susan Sharpe have put up with me yelling over the fence for years, as they are my neighbors.

I take care of myself by working out and eating healthy. I run four miles every morning and get my fruits and vegetables by juicing daily. I believe God expects us to be good stewards of our bodies.

I am a greeter at church, so you can see me every Sunday morning outside the nursery entrance, handing out bulletins. Come by and introduce yourself to me. I love meeting people.