Thursday, August 9, 2012

Are Your Eyes Open?

Praying Woman

I'm doing a New Testament challenge - I am reading thru the New Testament and will finish on Easter. It's an awesome challenge Karen Kingsbury is doing on Facebook. I was reading Matthew 20:32-33, which is where Jesus healed the blind men. I've read it before and almost skimmed through it quickly, not absorbing what The Word of God says. God stopped me and has shown me something new. "and Jesus stopped them and called them, and said, 'what do you want Me to do for you?" they said "Lord we want our eyes to be opened"

As I read that text I realize first I am blessed with sight or the ability to see things, but what a prayer for us today! I may physically be able to see 'things' but often I need to stop and ask Jesus to open my eyes to really see. To see as He sees. Particularly in discipleship. There are so many reasons I lack in discipleship but I'd like to cover one in particular today. Do you ever "assume" someone is saved because they are nice? Or assume someone is saved because they are church attendees? It's a common thing for us to do that but it's off base. Why? Because church doesn't save you nor does being nice. Only the grace of God sets us free. Ephesians 2:8 "for by grace you have been saved through faith and not of yourselves; it is the gift of God"

As Jesus spoke that "to follow Him we must deny ourselves and take up his cross and Follow".  Do you find that hard? Denying yourself? It is hard, but it's what we are told to do. To swallow our pride and humble ourself to make sure that nice person truly knows Jesus. Then as we arrive in glory we will reunite with them again. I pray that God opens our eyes to those we need to reach so they too, can see the light.

~ Submitted by Jeni Morelock