Friday, August 24, 2012

WOW! - August 24th - Lisa Dugger

My name is Lisa Dugger. You might know me from singing in the choir or playing in the praise band.  I wanted to share a little bit about me and give my testimony.

Growing up, my Dad was in the Navy, so I lived all across the country.  However, when I was in first grade, he was called into the ministry, so we moved to Atlanta Georgia for my dad to attend seminary. It was there in sixth grade, that my teacher shared the wordless book with us.  I remember the conviction I felt knowing that I would not go to heaven when I died. That night, I asked Jesus into my heart.  I had made a profession at 5, but couldn’t remember the details, so at age 12, I settled it and know that I am going to heaven when I die. Shortly after this, my dad was called as a missionary to the servicemen in Charleston, SC.  We moved into a twenty-nine foot trailer for two years as we raised support. It was a unique experience traveling to different churches. It was during this time, that my family started singing together and I began playing the piano in church. Looking back, God used this time to begin my love for music.
In eighth grade, we moved to Charleston, SC where my family began ministering to servicemen in Charleston. I enjoyed working with my family to witness and minister to them. My main job was to cook for our Sunday dinners. I continued to play the piano and won 1st place in South Carolina Association of Christian Schools piano competition.  I was all set to major in music in college, but then my senior year of high school, I took an accounting class and loved it. I attended Pensacola Christian College and majored in accounting and minored in music. It was an interesting combination, but I can see how the Lord has used me in both of these areas.

While I was in college, I met a young man from Batesville, Arkansas. After college, Lynn and I were married and moved to Batesville. We had a wonderful time there, and the Lord provided several growth opportunities for us. Our oldest son, Garrett was born in Batesville. It was one of the most difficult decisions we had to make when we decided to move from Batesville to Kingsport. We were leaving all of our family and the only place we had lived. Looking back, the Lord knew exactly what he was doing moving us to Kingsport. It was difficult at first not having any family, but the Lord has provided us with many friends and a wonderful church family.  The Lord has led us every step of the way.   Our second child, Grayson was born in Kingsport eight years ago.

The last couple of years have been a time of growth for me both physically and spiritually. I was able to train and run a ½ marathon and started taking drum lessons to try something new. Last year, I was able to read the Bible through in one year and this year, started playing keyboard for the Praise Team at Hill Rd.  I tell you these things not to boast, but to encourage women out there who might feel like they don’t have the time or they can’t do something.You have to take the first step, but the Lord will be there to help you and encourage you.  If you had told me I would be playing for the praise team or run a ½ marathon, I would have told you, there was no way!  But the Lord has guided me and provided a wonderful family to support and help me. I look forward to many more years serving him!