Thursday, December 6, 2012

Biblical Model for a Woman Part III ~ Temperate and Faithful in All Things

Royalty Free Stock Photo: Hands of two people create pot on potter's wheel. Image: 14059785
The past two weeks we have evaluated what Timothy says about our behavior, as a woman. As we approach the final parts of the verses, I ponder on the women in my life that fit what is outlined in the text. If you are one of them, girlfriend, you have much to be desired! All of our personalities are so different; many are outgoing others are shy, some are outspoken, others meek- and that is just for starters. Isn't it amazing how God has made us all so different! God precisely gifted us so much different, yet all for the same purpose. To come to know Christ and serve Him with our many different attributes.

1 Timothy 3:11 "Women must likewise be dignified, not malicious gossips, but temperate, faithful in all things"

The definition of temperate is showing moderation or self restraint, not extreme in opinion, not excessive.
Synonyms for temperate are mild, restrained, calm, agreeable.

The last words of the Scripture "in ALL things", that is something to think about. Do you find that its easy to use self restraint and that calm agreeable attitude in certain situations but there is that one thing that just makes you irrational or severe? Gods desire is that we are able to be mild, just as Jesus was. As we get into certain situations where our attitude kicks up a notch and we lose our cool, how does that glorify God? What picture does that paint of God in you?

The definition of faithful is loyal, steadfast. Synonyms - loyal, reliable, devoted, genuine, unwavering.
Faithful is one of the 9 fruit of the Spirit, an indicator that we are living in step with the Spirit.

Thinking of the word faithful as devoted and unwavering, the first thing that comes to mind is being a mother. As mothers we typically are that devoted, loyal, unwavering mama bear when it comes to caring for our children, going to work for the most part, and all of those 'have to' things in life. But, being faithful, reliable, devoted in all areas of our life....not always......

Galatians 6:4-5 "Each one must examine his own work, and then he will have reason for boasting in regard to himself alone, and not in regard to another. For each one will bear his own load"

As the Lord led me to this verse, immediately my attention was switched to all the unfinished projects I have. I start things with the greatest intention, motivation, and excitement but suddenly one thing leads to another then another and the project is left sitting. This is true for alot of situations;  maybe its church attendance, weight loss, budgeting, witnessing..

Galatians 5:7 "You were running well; who hindered you from obeying the truth? This persuasion did not come from Him who calls you."

Self evaluation can be painful, it can easily make us feel like we have failed.  But its not failure, its realizing that God has something in you He desires to make better. Just like the the potter and the clay, in Jeremiah 18, Jeremiah was instructed to do something and did. As he went as he was told, the potter held a vessel in his hands that was spoiled, blemished, imperfect. You know that feeling, you've worked so hard on something and it doesn't turn out exactly as you had planned... you certainly don't want to start over. Yet verse 4 tells us the potter remade it because it pleased him to. Verse 6, The Lord says " Behold like clay in the potters hands so are you in my hands."

It pleases God, to take away our blemishes, but we have to be obedient in letting him show us our imperfections.. so He can perfect us, in the likeness of His Son.

~ Submitted by Jeni Morelock