Friday, December 7, 2012

WOW! ~ ISBC Woman of the Week Dec.7 ~ Paige Brooks


I was raised in a Christian home, the only child of Stanley and Marie Johnson. I accepted Christ as my Savior while in the fourth grade, actually praying with my mom one Wednesday evening while I was sitting in the bathtub. However, I was not baptized until four years later because I was so scared of water. True story!!

Daddy was a Minister of Music and Education, so I felt like I was at church every time the doors were open. But I didn’t mind. I learned a lot about ministry while watching my Dad work and just hanging out with him. We were very close. We went to Ridgecrest together several times when I was a kid, and even took some trips to music conferences together after I was grown and married. I was always interested in what my Dad was doing and I’ve always been very involved in the goings-on of different church ministries. After his passing in 1997, I even filled the position of Interim Minister of Music at my home church, Calvary Baptist, where Daddy had served for just short of 20 years before his death.

I have always loved being involved in church work, however, I never wanted to marry a minister. While growing up at Calvary Baptist, there was one boy in my youth group who just kept asking me out, but I didn’t want anything to do with him, because he knew he was going into the ministry. I was more interested in a boy whose dad owned a service station. Joke’s on me huh?!

I came to ISBC in January of 2008, when my husband Tiger (son of a former service station owner) was called to serve as the Minister to Students. I was very involved in the music and youth programs. After four years of serving in that capacity, Tiger felt God calling him to a different position in the church, that of Campus Pastor. It was a struggle to come to terms with Tiger’s new position. I had been so happy serving and worshipping at the Hill Road campus, so the big change was very difficult. It didn’t take long however, to get to know many of the people attending the Glenwood campus and to grow to love them.

In addition to serving as the “Connector” for the Sullivan Baptist Association, where I have worked for almost four years, I am currently serving as the Interim Minister of Music at the Glenwood Campus.

When I’m not at church, I enjoy running, which I started about 3 years ago. I have done 3 Half Marathons - not finishing very quickly, but finishing, none the less. I also enjoy reading, however, reading the Bible in a year has consumed my reading time over the last couple of years. I am currently taking The Bible in a Year Sunday School Class at Glenwood, taught by Matt Davison. I hope to participate in the class again next year - I have learned so much. It seems like God reveals truths to me in a different way each time I read a scripture passage.

Tiger and I have a 9 year old daughter, Ellie, who many times amazes us with her grown-up sensibilities. Ellie has recently discovered that she loves riding roller-coasters, a love we both share. On our recent Fall Break trip to Universal Studios, she and I rode “The Hulk” coaster, 2 times back to back, which was plenty for me! Tiger finds more pleasure in watching us ride coasters than actually riding them himself.

~ Submitted by Kathy Neal
ISBC Women's Ministry
Communications Coordinator