Friday, December 28, 2012

ISBC WOW! Woman of the Week Dec 28 ~ Brandy Spaugh

I am Brandy Spaugh. I was saved at a young age at vacation bible school at Sullivan Baptist Church. I have loved the Lord ever since. I had an incredible youth pastor during high school that really taught me so much about the Lord. Throughout the years of being part of the student ministry my heart just really was set on fire for God. Then I began working in the student ministry too.

My husband Kevin and I both grew up going to Sullivan Baptist Church. We worked with the youth pastor there for about 3 years as counselors, chaperones, etc. Then we left to become part of a church plant for a season of almost 4 years. When God closed that church we began to visit some of the local churches. We visited ISBC for the first time in August 2010. We really liked the contemporary worship service and immediately found ourselves in a Sunday School class. We visited approximately 6 months when we felt God lead us to join the church Janurary 2011 and we have been there ever since.

I work full time at Eastman Credit Union as a loan officer and member service representative at the Meadowview Branch. I have worked there over 6 years. My husband, Kevin, has his own electrical company. We have one son ,Matthew, who is part of the youth group. He is a sophomore at DB and plays soccer. My hobbies include exercising, hiking to waterfalls, and shopping. I love Jesus and my Kevin and Matthew so very much. I have 2 dogs that I am crazy about too….Jessee and Livia. J

~ Submitted by Kathy Neal
ISBC Women's Ministry
Communications Coordinator