Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year New You!

Philippians 4:13
 I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

Most people make a New Year's resolution to get healthy.  Let me just say, it shouldn't be just a resolution, it should be a lifestyle change.  When better to start then now??!!  The steps are easy.  About 80% of our health is what we are putting in our bodies.  You know the phrase "You are what you eat."  That is so true.  God gave us our bodies and we should make every effort to keep them healthy.  The bonus, you will shed extra pounds off and feel full of energy!  If you get you food choices under control and make wise decisions, the rest of you health will fall right in to place.  You will have the energy to exercise and work hard. 

Here are the simple steps to eating healthy:

1. Eat 6 Small Meals per Day

2. Eat every 2-3 hours

3. Eat a combination of Lean Protein FoodsPlus a Complex Carbohydrate at each meal.

4. Drink 2-3 Liters of Water each Day.

5. Depend on lots of Fresh Fruits And Veggies for complex carbs and fiber.

6.  Avoid refined, over processed, chemical full foods, such as flour, sugar, pastas.

7. Eat Fats to Get Lean...From healthy fat sources

8. Never skip a meal...ESPECIALLY BREAKFAST!

9. Stick to reasonable portion size.

10. Get Adequate Sleep.
The best way to make sure you are eating healthy is to take control of your diet and fix food at home.  It's really very simple.  You can find a "clean version" of about any recipe out there and even your favorite family ones.  All you have to do is PLAN! It's that easy.  I have had several requests to do a healthy eating class again and I will be setting up a time and date soon! Until then, here is a good book that I like that can help you get started!