Thursday, December 20, 2012

Mary, Mother of Jesus; Unlikely Choice, Great Reward: Part I

Stock Photo: Mary Praying. Image: 3564150

This year I haven't given a lot of thought to Mary, Mother of Jesus. Very few details are given about Mary, with great reason. The focus was not on Mary, but on  Jesus- her beloved Son. However, there is much for us to learn from Mary; her faith, courage, and humility.

Mary was a young girl, probably between the ages of 12-14, as this was the age at which Jewish girls commonly entered into betrothal during her time. Betrothal was a period of two years. In today's age we refer to this as engagement. However, once a man became betrothed to a young lady it was a covenant, legally binding. In order to 'get out' of' this arrangement, you would have to file for divorce. During the period of betrothal, the bride and bridegroom lived apart. The time was spent by the bridegroom preparing for marriage.

For those of us who have been engaged, we know that period of our life was so exciting!  And so it was for Mary as she made her wedding plans and looked forward to marriage.  But in the matter of a moment, her life as well as everyone's in history, would be forever changed.

Mary came from a poor family, and in this era women were not held in very high regard, much less deemed worthy of being used by God.

The angel Gabriel, appeared to the young girl, and told her that she wass highly favored by God. Isn't that just remarkable? To be favored by God!

A woman that gave birth out of wedlock in Mary's time, was a disgrace, not to mention that Joseph, the man she has planned to marry, could possibly divorce her. That one moment when Gabriel appeared to her, I can only imagine what thoughts would go through my head. My thoughts would be running so frantic "But, why me? What about my family and everyone forsaking me and leaving me alone? What about my plans to..." But, Mary never did. She replied "I am the Lords servant.. May it be to me as you have said" Luke 1:38. God knew, that Mary would gladly follow His will and not question Him, she willingly submitted to God's plan.

God chose what most would have seen as an unlikely choice, thus fulfilling Scripture that God does not see as man sees but sees our hearts. Our obedience and trust.

During this season of celebration of the birth of our beloved, take a moment and ask yourself, am I willing to accept Gods plan regardless of the cost?

~ Submitted by Jeni Morelock