Saturday, December 22, 2012

ISBC WOW! Woman of the Week Dec. 21st ~ Sandy Allen


My name is Sandy Allen.  My husband, Tom, and I have been married 47 years. We met as music majors in college. When I first heard him play the piano, I thought how wonderful it would be to really get to know this person and figure out the design of his musical ability. I’m still working on it! It is truly a God-given talent.
Before I met Tom, my parents had instilled in me a love for good music and afforded me piano lessons, which I enjoyed and took very seriously. I grew up in a Christian home and attended Sunday School, worship, and youth group activities regularly. I loved hearing the organist play the pipe organ and dreamed of someday mastering this mighty instrument. The organ was my major instrument in college and I studied the works of many gifted composers and church musicians.
I was saved at age 13 at an evangelist crusade held in the stadium at ETSU. My parents had allowed my older brother, who had recently gotten his driver’s license, to drive us across town to the crusade. During the invitation I went forward and received Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. Soon after that, at the recommendation of my organ teacher, I began playing for services in a very small church and 57 years later I’m still serving the Lord through music in worship.
The Lord blessed Tom and me with three children, Wendy, Andrew, and Matthew, and five grandchildren. Wendy and her husband, Mike Royston and their children, Meredith, Cullen, Savannah, and Caleb are members of Indian Springs. Andrew lives in Nashville. Matthew is married to Cindy and they have one son, Henry. They reside in Hendersonville, TN.
When Wendy was three years old, a friend invited us to a revival at Indian Springs Baptist Church. The services were held in what is now the office wing of the church. Plans were in the works to build a new sanctuary, now the SAC. Several months later we joined and have been serving the Lord at Indian Springs for 41 years. It has been so exciting to see our church grow and expand our outreach to two campuses.
Under Bro. Mike’s guidance, Tom and I began a Children’s Choir Ministry. We have had many wonderful volunteers lead and assist in this ministry through the years. It has been a wonderful journey and I pray that this program will stay strong because of the great importance of Christian music in the life of children.
I taught music in Kingsport City Schools for 22 years. I am presently teaching a music class at the Bristol YWCA to girls, ages 9-14. I love sewing and knitting and Tom and I enjoy year-round gardening in our hobby greenhouse.
I am grateful to the Lord for the life He has given me on this earth and I claim the following verse as my “life verse”:  “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men; knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve.” Colossians 3:23-24
~ Submitted by Kathy Neal
ISBC Women's Ministry
Communications Coordinator