Thursday, January 31, 2013


 In the past months I have adopted a new hobby of restoring furniture. My friends had picked up a buffet from someone who was throwing it away and they didn't have room for it so they gave it to me, The saying "one man's trash is another mans treasure" was profoundly true!   I fell in love with this piece! I had decided to strip it and refinish it back to the natural wood. I would sand and sand, and sand some more to find that it had been painted, varnished, and even lacquered. For the first time I tried to use chemicals to help break through the layers, but to no avail .. it didn't touch it. I had to get the most course grit sand paper I could find, and after the first 4 layers and inches of what appeared to be red clay dust everywhere, I felt I had finally come to the end. As I wiped off the surface to clean it, there was yet another layer. Now that the project is complete I appreciate the beautiful cherry wood that was exposed -with a lot of elbow grease and frustration.. Finally. It is done.

The original owners of this piece of furniture probably had purchased it and had great love for it, yet the new wore off, which was obvious by the number of times it had been painted over. They were trying to conceal the furniture as it once was with layers of paint to change its appearance, yet the old was coming through in certain spots where it was peeling, but the piece was still in tact.

Revelation 2:3 "and you have perseverance and have endured for My name's sake, and have not grown weary."

 Much like the furniture we are still intact, with layers and layers of stuff covering us. We continue on with life and work for the Lord.

Revelation 2:4 But I have this against you, that you have left your first love.

Yet, with all the layers and layers, commitments and problems, we forget whats underneath. We continue to cover it up trying to conceal things in us, thus forgetting what is really in there. That beautiful cherry wood was so covered, so misused and mistreated. Yet so our our souls. Our First Love, Christ Jesus that bore our sins in shame, is covered up by all the 'good things' we do and allow to cover us up.

At the moment we accept Christ our Savior, our souls experience Restoration. Christ Restores

~ Submitted by Jeni Morelock