Friday, January 11, 2013

WOW! ISBC Woman of the Week Jan 11th ~ Thelma Smith

My name is Thelma Smith and I was born a coal miner's daughter in Clinchco, Va.  I was child number seven out of a family of eight.  My family moved to Kingsport when I was four years old because my mother did not want my three brothers to work in the coal mines.  I am so thankful to have had Godly parents that took us to church and had Bible reading and prayer every night before we went to bed.  We not only had to attend our church but also every church within walking distance to attend their revivals that generally lasted two weeks.

We did not have a lot of worldly possessions but we were loved and taught to love God, to be honest, hard-working, to follow the golden rule and show respect for our elders, teachers and those in authority and this influenced my life down through the years.  I realized that I was a sinner at a very young age and accepted Jesus as my Savior at Bancoft Bible Camp when I was nine years old.  I was baptized by a local pastor in Horse Creek.  It has been a long journey and I have gone through many trials, as we all do raising our children, but I have found that God is always there during the good times and the bad if we just put our trust in Him who is all sufficient.

My husband (Jim) was a blind date from Ketron High School.  He told me that he had prayed to meet a Christian girl who would not prevent him from going to church and shortly thereafter a mutual friend arranged a blind date.  We dated through high school and married right after I graduated from Sullivan High School and we have been married for 52 years.  We both went to work for Eastman Kodak Company where I worked for 12 years before we adopted our daughter Allison and then four years later I got pregnant and had a son (Stephen).  I have three grandchildren, Kristen Roberts, Dustin & Samantha Arrington.

Several members of my family belong to ISBC; sister Margaret Cowan & husband Lee, niece Karen Manis & family, nephew Glen Peters & family; sister Joyce Hipsher & niece Rebekah Hipsher;  brother-in-law Allen Smith & wife Anita. We started attending ISBC after my sister Margaret told us about the wonderful youth & music programs led by Bro. Mike.  Allison was driving at this time so she and Stephen attended and really liked the church so then Jim and I started going, joined and have been members for approximately 23 years.

God has given me the wonderful opportunity to be able to teach children and work in Bible school at several churches from the time we were married until now.  At ISBC I have served in the nursery, Awanas, and with Women on Mission and last but not least in the kitchen during the nineties.  This past year I have been a member of the one year Bible class under the leadership of Paul Patterson.  I cannot put in words what it has meant to me other than it has been an awesome learning experience and has taught me to be more disciplined in my Bible study & prayer time.  I am excited and looking forward to be helping Jennifer Harbin with the 1st & 2nd grade children this year.  I am currently working for State Farm Insurance and Jim is retired.  My leisure time activities are reading, sewing and travel.

~submitted by Kathy Neal
ISBC Women's Ministry
Communications Coordinator