Friday, February 22, 2013

ISBC WOW! Woman of the Week Feb.22 ~ Connie Treadway

As with all good stories, I shall begin by saying, “Once upon a time”. Unfortunately, life is not a fairytale and as a song says, “You never promised me a rose garden”. Yes life is full of thorns, but the Son’s Light and Holy Spirit’s Rain brings out the beauty in all of God’s children. I will tell this story in third person because it seems easier to look back from a once removed perspective… On with the story…
Once upon a time, there was a little toe headed girl. She loved to sing Sunday school songs and could sing all 21 songs that she knew in a row. Her parents used to take her with them to sing at nursing homes and by the end of the hour, she would be standing on a chair entertaining them all. It was around the age of four that she first heard “the Call” and she told her parents, “When I grow up, I want to sing for Jesus.” It was at age seven that she fell under conviction and with her mama by her side, knelt beside her bed and accepted Jesus as her Savior.

Now, fast forward a bit, remember “the Call”? When she was in fifth grade her family moved to Indian Springs and became members of Indian Springs Baptist. By the time she was in high school, she was singing for Jesus in Christ & Co. She went to college majoring in music education and by the age of 23 she began her first real job of teaching music. The first church music position came around the same time, just a little church, but the Lord had placed in her heart a passion for worship. Meanwhile, she had married and looking from the outside everything seemed to be moving along just fine. But deep inside her heart, she was praying, “Lord use me. Use my talents for Your glory” for more than anything that was what she wanted.

It was around age thirty that her life started to unravel. Looking back, it was God’s refining fire that was clearing away all the junk of life and cleansing her so that she could minister to people. It is because of her experiences that she was able to minister to others. Encouragement being her spiritual gift, she shared her experiences with those that God placed in her path inspiring them to trust in the Lord with all their heart and lean not on their own understanding.

One of the most rewarding times in her life was when she served as music minister in Kingsport area churches. Leading worship, adult choir, praise team and band, children’s choir, youth choir, and hand bell choir brought her such joy although it was a very busy time! Being a single parent of two beautiful children and carrying two jobs was not easy, but her strength came from the Lord. When her father became ill in 2007, she resigned her church position and had the blessing of helping care for her father until his passing in 2011.

At the present, she is working as a music specialist and feels that she has been placed at the school with purpose, not just teaching music, but also sharing God’s love and compassion. Now being that it is a public school, she can’t say where that love comes from, Jesus, but none the less she knows that she is important in the life of her students. The prayer of her heart has not changed except that it is in song form, “take me, mold me, use me, fill me, I give my life to The Potter’s Hand”. Life is not without struggle, but she “knows who holds tomorrow”, “He lives within my heart”. And what does she say about her Savior?

“I'll say of the Lord, You are my shield, my strength, my portion, deliverer,
My shelter, strong tower, my very present help in time of need!”
~ Submitted by Kathy Neal
ISBC Women's Ministry
Communications Coordinator