Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How to Survive Eating Out

1 Corinthians 6:20

"For you were bought with a price.  So glorify God in your body."

Taking care of your body is sometimes a hard task, especially when you are busy.  Let's face it, we are all really busy, a lot.  It's sometimes hard to cook for a family on the run and go all the time.  Sometimes, eating out is the only option but, it can be a good option if you make wise selections!  
Fast Food and Restaurants - how to survive it:

  1. Order meats without breading or coatings and avoid fried options
  2. Look for grilled, baked, or broiled options
  3. Steer clear of fatty condiments like mayo, butter, "special sauce". Read the ingredients on packets of dressing. Watch out for low fat, but high sugar dressings.
  4. Drink water or milk instead of soda; unsweetened tea with a lemon and some truvia is my favorite
  5. Ditch the fries and chose a side salad, yogurt, fruit, or baked potato or sweet potato.
  6. Ask for whole wheat instead of white breads. If they don't have this option, don't eat the bread.
  7. Check the menu online before you go.
  8. Order veggies as your side item.
  9. Don't be afraid to ask for food to be prepared the way you need it!

I was surprised. Most sit down places will be happy to fix the food the way you want it. All you have to do is ask. You can eat healthy when you eat out. Just know what to look for. Beware of hidden sugars in sauces and dressings, and avoid the bread and breading, and you are good to go. Here are a few of my favorite items to eat at the restaurants that I go to. Most of these have an online menu that you can see everything that's in your food. WOW!

Panera..this link will let you calculate your meal and see what's in your food. Here, I eat the "you pick 2."  I get half a bowl of soup (usually broccoli cheddar) and the Fuji apple chicken salad, with feta cheese instead of Gorgonzola, and an apple as my side item. The boys usually eat a sandwich with an apple or organic yogurt, or macaroni and cheese. Order the same type of foods at Atlanta Bread or McAlister's Deli.

Chick-fila- this link will give also calculate your meal and you can see what's in your food. I eat the chargrilled sandwich and Fruit Salad with Berry Balsamic Dressing. Chad eats either the chargrilled sandwich, which comes with a wheat bun, or orders the regular sandwich on a wheat bun, with a fruit cup. The boys get the nuggets, with fruit and milk. They now have grilled nuggets!

Salsaritas- I usually get the salad with romaine and spinach on a plate with the meat of my choice, black beans, grilled peppers and onions, cheese sauce, salsa, and all my favorite veggies. Chad gets a burrito, quesedilla, or pizza on a whole wheat tortilla. They have them, just ask. Donna is great at the one in Kingsport..love her:)

Mcdonalds- I am not a fan, but if I end up there, I choose the Southwest Salad with grilled chicken and use the Southwest dressing. The kids get chicken, apples, and milk.

Chop house- at any steak house, chose a lean cut of beef like fillet or sirloin and request for it to be grilled with no butter, just spices. It is good. You can also choose grilled chicken, fish, shrimp..yumm..choose asparagus, salad, broccoli, or sweet potato for sides.

Cracker Barrel- has lot of great options like eggs and bacon.  They have lots of grilled items and plenty of veggies to choose from.  The strawberry chicken salad they have on their summer menu is wonderful!  They also have a low-carb section of offerings! 

Raffaele's-I order a grilled chicken breast in garlic and olive, add mushrooms and onions, no pasta, and the house Italian dressing on a side salad. Rich, the owner is so great to custom make meals. He just loves it when I come in.  He should name that dish after me :)

La Caretta- I order the chicken or beef fajitas and eat them like a salad on the plate. I add the lettuce, guacamole, tomatoes right on to the skillet and don't use a shell.

When you have to eat out,  you should choose the most nutritious meals you can. Fresh grilled meats, fruits, and veggies, and avoid breads unless they are whole wheat. Plan ahead by looking at an online menu and enjoy not cooking!!