Friday, July 6, 2012

WOW-Kathy Neal

I was born in Kingsport, TN, and my family moved to Blountville when I was only 2. Except for a period of time that I lived in Gray, TN, for 5 months, I have always lived in Blountville. I have 2 brothers alive and one passed away in 2001. My dad passed away in 1998. My mom has been sick for a few months, and I have been staying with her almost 24/7. I went to Blountville School, Indian Springs School, and Central High School. While in high school, I was youth leader for a couple of years at Gunnings Baptist Church.

Upon graduating from Central, I went to Northeast State Community College, which at the time was called Tri-Cities Vocational School. I earned a Secretarial Certificate and went to work for the state in 1974 for the Dept. of Human Services. I also married in 1974 and was married for 20 years. I quit work for a couple of years for health reasons and went back and worked until I went on maternity leave in 1981. I had my daughter, Amanda Nicole Hartsock, and didn’t go back to work. Two years later, my son was born, Justin Randall Hartsock. They both were 10lb. babies. I now was a stay-at-home mom.

I still went to Gunnings Baptist Church at this time and sang in the choir. I also volunteered at Indian Springs School as Red Cross volunteer in the school clinic, taught 2nd graders to use the computer, was homeroom mother leader for PTA for both children at once, and Girl Scout and Boy Scout Leader. I also took the children for guitar lessons, dance lessons, oboe lessons, softball, baseball, and tee-ball. I was busier then than when working.

In 1994, for various reasons, my husband and I parted ways. My daughter was attending Indian Springs Baptist at this time. She and Sarah Morgan had become good friends and she wanted to go where there was a good youth group. I prayed about it and felt the Lord was leading me where my daughter attended. I attended a while before joining. I met Richard Neal and we were married and both joined Indian Springs together. Together we have 4 children and 3 grandchildren. We have been married 16 years.

I thought I was saved at the age of 7. One night when Aaron Rayburn, the pastor at that time, was preaching I realized I wasn’t saved. That night I asked the Lord into my heart. It was in 2004. I didn’t get baptized until 2010. I kept putting it off. I was in a wheelchair—how in the world would they baptize me? I finally went up one Sunday morning and told Pastor Roc that I wanted to be baptized. Joel said they would come up with a way and not worry about it. They decided to baptize me in my wheelchair with the help of Tiger Brooks. That was one of the happiest days of my life.

In 2005, (34 years after I graduated high school) I began college at Northeast State Community College in Blountville. I felt like a fish out of water. After going a few months, I decided to double-major in Office Administrations in General Office and Medical Office Technology. In October, 2006, I developed breast cancer and dropped out of school. At church, as soon Anne’s Sisters found out, (led by Gerry Frazier) they came to me on a Sunday morning with hugs, kisses, and a book and tote bag of things to help me through the process. I felt more welcome than I ever had before. I’m kind of quiet and stay to myself or close to Richard when I am out. I’m just not outgoing—but can be a barrel of laughs if I get to know you.

In 2008 I decided to go back to school and get my degree. I graduated in 2010 with a double-major, a member of Phi Theta Kappa, with honors, and cum laude. This is an accomplishment that I am very proud of. I was 57 years old.

Being in a wheelchair for quite a few years now, I didn’t feel there was anything in the church I could do. I had sang in the choir before and been youth leader at my previous church; however, what could I do now in my church? In 2010, I had surgery and was bedfast for three months. Susan Cox came to see me about doing mission dolls and brought some with her. Since I could do nothing but stay in bed I gave this a try. I love doing the mission dolls to this day. My daughter-in-law helps me with the faces, but I do the rest.

While on retreat this year, Pam Archer was explaining about all the jobs that were vacant and needed volunteers in Women’s Ministry. I wanted to do something but didn’t say anything to her. After the meeting, she came to me and asked me about being Communications Coordinator. She explained I would be sending out birthday cards, get well cards, and sympathy cards for both churches plus picking the Woman of the Week. I said YES! I had found my niche in the church. I love every minute of sending the cards and reading the articles. I feel it will help all of us get to know each other better as it puts a story, name, and face together. I need every woman that is a member of the church to say YES! when I contact you about being a WOW (Woman of the Week) for it to work though. This new opportunity plus the mission dolls keeps me pretty busy now.

My favorite Bible verse is Isaiah 40:31 “Yet they that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get weary, they will walk and not grow faint”.