Wednesday, September 19, 2012

WMW-Race Results


Joseph and Jacob Kisner

Fit for the King Results
Our 3rd annual Fit for the King Event was this past Sunday. What a great time and turnout!  We had 145 runners in the 5K race, 144 in the 3K walk, 58 in the Kids' Run, and 22 little bitty kids in the Kids' Dash. Lots of ISBC people won trophies, and all the children who participated received medals. Congratulations to our very own Brandy Nothnagel, who won the Overall Female Runner with a time of 20 minutes and 50 seconds. If you don't know, a 5K is 3.1 miles. I think she has wings on her feet!

Fire Crew Barbeque served a fabulous meal to nearly 600! Thank you Gary and Becky Hubble, John, Judah, and Hailey Williams for all your hard work. I know it took hours of shopping, cooking, preparation, setting up and taking down. We are so grateful for you! I hope you took time out for a long soak in a hot tub of water. You deserve it!

Hank Brown, Natalie Whitlock, and their crew from We Run Events 
did an awesome job of managing the race as they timed the runners and promptly delivered race results. We couldn't do this caliber an event without their help. They are the best at what they do.

I had lots of volunteers, too. David Lovelace and Chad Chadwick, along with the men who helped them haul tables, coolers, ice, trash cans, and any other things we needed, worked so hard. Brother Joel worked behind the scenes, as he always does. Thank you Joel!  It truly does take a village.

History repeated itself with two runners. Wayne Sherfey and Rachel O'Dell won trophies this year, as they did last year. Rachel won the Middle-of-the-Pack trophy, which was really cool.  If you would like to see all the 5K race results, go to We Run Events.

Wayne Sherfey and Rachel O'Dell

As I entered the 5K runners  names onto a spreadsheet last night, I was amazed by how many runners we had that came from out-of-state.  We had a runners from New York, North Carolina, and Virginia! There were many places in Tennessee represented, too.

We look forward to making this race even bigger and better next year. 

Holiday Dinner -
Hostesses are needed to provide centerpieces and be a hostess to those at your table. Call or e-mail Pam Archer to volunteer.   292-9418.