Wednesday, September 5, 2012

WMW-September 5th

There's a lot going on this Fall, with many opportunities for fellowship and service.  The remainder of our small groups start next week, so we are very excited about that! 

Correction - from last week's WMW.  The correct email address for Shirley Thomas is  Contact her if you are interested in joining her small group, "God Doesn't Have a Plan B", which begins next Thursday at 10:00 am. 323-3764.

Fit for the King 5K Race/3K Walk/Kids'Run/Kids' Dash- Sunday, September 16th at Warrior's Path State Park. Please register ASAP if you, your spouse, or your children are planning to participate in any of the events. Call the church office at 323-2187 to make your reservations for the meal by Fire Crew Barbeque. The deadline is Monday, September 10th. We need volunteers! Sign-up sheets are located on the Women's Ministry tables at both campuses. Trophies will be awarded for the 5K race for overall male and female winners, over 40, over 50, and in five-year age groups, beginning with 10 and under to 70+. Medals will be awarded to all the children who participate in the Kids' Run and the Kids' Dash. Door prizes will be randomly placed in race packets of those who pre-register. We have lots of door prizes, including a flat screen tv, which we will be drawing for. You must be present to win.

Ladies Dinner Night Out
- Monday, Sept. 10th, at Olive Garden on Eastman Rd. at 6:00 pm. All ladies are invited.

Sock and Shoe Drive
– Set-up Friday, Sept. 21st (1 PM) and Distribution,  Saturday, Sept. 22nd (12:30 PM – 4:00 PM).  We need lots and lots of shoes (gently used or new) and new socks to be distributed to children up to age 14.  All sizes are needed.  Please no open toes shoes or wheels.  If gently used please make sure they are clean and have new shoe laces.  Distribution boxes can be found at each campus or contact Martha Rhoton at HRC rhotonm@hotmail.comor Melissa Sherfey at GWC ( We do need more volunteers for Saturday from 12:30 – 4:00.  We need lots and lots more shoes and socks.

WOW! - Our Woman-of-the-Week has been to prison...many times! Can you guess who she is? Find out Friday at

Ladies Holiday Dinner - We have 23 hostesses, but we still need 7 more ladies to host a table. Contact Pam Archer if you will serve in this way. 292-9418,

Women's Ministry Meeting
- This Sunday at 5:00 in room A215, (HRC).  All ladies are encouraged to attend.

Angie Dishner from Health Resources, Kingsport Towne Center -

Here are the highlights for September at the Health Resources Center!

Diabetes Supermarket Shopping (learn how to really read those labels!)- Mon., Sept. 10, 4-6pm

Goodnight, Sleep Tight
(tips for a better night's sleep)- Tues, Sept. 18, noon-1pm

Your Best Shot (learn the latest on whooping cough, vaccines available, and boosters needed)- Tues., Sept. 18, 4-5pm

Living with heel pain and Plantar Fasciitis- Thurs, Sept. 20, noon-1pm

Seasonal Allergies Class and Optional Screening
- Thurs. Sept. 20, 4-6pm

Common Hand Ailments (carpal tunnel, trigger finger, etc...)- Tues., Sept. 25, 4-5pm

Call 1-800-888-5551 to register if you plan to attend any of these classes.
For a complete listing or if you have any questions call 857-7981 or speak with Angie Dishner

Have a blessed week! 

Pam Archer, Director
ISBC Women's Ministry