Nehemiah is a great testimony to how God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things, but there is much more. New Year's is a time for resolutions, a time for making things new, a time when we desire to improve ourselves in some form or fashion.
I don't know about you, but as I start on a 'resolution', or a new journey, at first there is a great desire and urge, a drive to make plans and great perseverance. But as the weeks wear on, it becomes much harder.
Nehemiah was a cup bearer for the king , which was a great job! Today we would call it a '9-5 job'. Yet Nehemiah was moved to go rebuild the wall in Jerusalem. God was favorable to this and opened many doors for Nehemiah, giving him materials and servants to do the work. He was able to find all sorts of different people for all the jobs and they were making great progress; even priests were working! Then, Sanballat came along mocking all of them, proclaiming their weaknesses, saying they were feeble.. and on and on and on...
Isn't that usually how it goes? God calls us out to do something great for His kingdom: discipling, teaching, encouraging one another, going on mission trips, supporting missionaries, giving to our church and other needs, and then obstacles start to appear.
Nehemiah 4:12 "they will come up against us from every place where you may turn..."
Let's face it, we live in a nation that is corrupt with wickedness, jealousy, strife, and contention. It's hard just to go through the every day motions of life. We are to press forward, keeping our eyes fixed on the "things of God".
Verse 14 continues, "...when I saw their fear, I rose and spoke, 'Do not be afraid of them; remember the Lord who is great and awesome, and fight for your sons, daughters, wives and your houses.'"
As we start this 2013, make resolutions to do things to advance the kingdom of God, keep a note card with these verses and if you become discouraged, rise up, don't be afraid, and remember The Lord is great and awesome. Keep to your resolution!
~ submitted by Jeni Morelock