Have you ever been in a friendship for an extended period of time when all of a sudden, that long time friend finds new friends? It leaves you wondering what have I done? Why have they forsaken me? And then you start to see that friend with new eyes. This long time friend seems to have adapted to their 'new friends' ways. Whether it be new attitudes, habits, or personalities. This is not something that has just happened to you. It happens alot.
In Galations 2:11-17, Paul is discusssing his conversation with Peter about this very thing. Peter was older than Paul, had physically walked with Christ and was very close to him . Peter had seperated himself from those who were his old friends because he was afraid of losing popularity with the rest of the church, the Judiazers. Just by eating with them, it was thought by the old friends that Peter had adopted their beliefs. And by gradually withdrawing from his old 'friends', he had. He was falling into believing the way they did.
The old saying "you're known by the company you keep".. well its true. Because the ones we occupy most of our time with tend to rub off on us. Therefore if we choose our friends wisely, we can adapt new godly character, however the opposite also holds true - some associations lead us to adopt behaviors and beliefs that do not honor God.
As hard as it must have been, Paul confronted Peter on the "not so good things" that had developed in his life, as it was an eternal problem. We can't simpy run and admoish our friends for every mistake made, but if it's going to affect them eternally, which is their Christ following destiny or witness, we must... but out of love.
~ Submitted by Jeni Morelock