Thursday, February 14, 2013

Looking In the Rear View Mirror...

I love to listen to Tony Evans' sermons.  As I listened to one last week, it really spoke to my heart and I just had to share.

We all have places that we have to be: appointments, work, school, etc. We hop in the car and drive to wherever it is we need to go. All cars are equipped with rear view mirrors. They are necessary for us to glance in, when we are backing up, sometimes (especially us women) will do a 'quick check'. But, if you spend too much time looking in the rear view mirror, what would happen?

Our life is a lot like that, we have a certain destination or plan laid out, the road that we are supposed  to take. As Christians we are to conform to the plan that God has for our life.

2 Peter 1:10 .. called with a holy calling.. according to His purpose and grace
2 Thessalonians 1:11 "that our God will count you worthy of YOUR CALLING.."
1 Corinthians 1:26 consider YOUR CALLING
Jeremiah 29:11 " I know the plans I have for you.."

Far too often, we spend so much time in our 'rear view mirror of life' looking at ourselves or what is behind us in our past. We all have a past, we all make mistakes. The destination we are heading to, the Divine Plan God has placed for us, is the direction we are to move in. If we view our life as driving, and we are too busy looking behind us, eventually we are going to be in an accident. Our pasts are the same way, they will destroy you. The rear view mirror is to glance at, not live in. Where you are going is a lot bigger that where you have been. Satan likes to keep you looking in the rear view mirror so you can't move forward.

Joshua 1:2 "Moses is dead, therefore arise"

God was telling Joshua, that Moses time has passed, He is dead- gone - and it was up to him to step up and move on. Learn from him and go on... we are to do the same with our past whether it be good, bad or ugly. We have to leave yesterday behind and move forward so we are able to reach our destination, unharmed.
~ Submitted by Jeni Morelock