~Announcing ISBC Women's Ministry "After Hours"!
Come join us once a month for Food, Fellowship and Fun! Our first "WM After Hours" will be Thursday April 4th at 630 at Salsarita's in Kingsport. Contact Jessica Poff at jessicacpoff@gmail.comor 423-534-1616 for more information
~Ladies Bible Study
Ladies, you're invited and encouraged to attend 'Experiencing God Bible Study' starting this Wednesday, March 6th, 6-7:30 P.M. Room 213
This 13 week study Written by Henry Blackaby, Richard Blackaby, and Claude King, the Experiencing God Bible Study is based on the Experiencing God book, which has sold millions of copies worldwide. Through examination of biblical and contemporary illustrations, participants will understand and apply seven realities of experiencing God. Churches will be helped to better function as the body of Christ, as members understand how to experience God as a church.
Member books are available at Lifeway or by contacting Jeni Morelock @ jenimorelock@hotmail.comto have available during session 1 books are $14.95. If you have completed this study before it will be a great refresher for you in your walk, feel free to bring your existing study book.
~This week's WOW! Woman of the Week is a mother of 5 who strives for a "simple life" and says she has a need to take care of the elderly and disabled. Find out who she is this Friday at www.isbcwm.blogspot.com
~ Upcoming Classes at the Health Resources Center located in the Kingsport Town Center:
Virtual Dementia Tour- Monday, March 11th, 10-noon. Appointment required
Lab Values: What do they mean?- Wednesday, March 13th, 2-3pm
Diabetes Supermarket Shopping- Friday, March 15th, 3-5pm
To the Point About Your Joints- Wednesday, March 20th, noon-1pm
Web Safety and Cyber Bullying- Thursday, March 21st, 5-6pm. Parent, tweens and teens welcome!
Herbal and Supplement Interactions with Prescription Meds- Friday, March 22nd, noon-1pm
Cardiac Cath: What's It All About?- Tuesday, March 26th, 1-2pm
~ Beth Dishman