Thursday, June 14, 2012

Embracing Your Husband Part I

Have you ever stopped to ask yourself the question, "What kind of wife am I?'
The vows you took are a covenant between you, your husband, and God. You made the vow to love,honor, and cherish him, but until when; until you can't pick up his socks one more time, or you can't tolerate his need to watch football anymore? No! Until death do you part. Jesus didn't put exclusions on our salvation. You took vows to love him for who he is, to honor the man he is - to lift him up, and cherish him. The definition of cherish is to treat with affection and tenderness. So how are you doing? Are you loving him with strings attached, deep immense feelings, respecting him, and treating him with tenderness and affection? Do you know how to do that? Support - honor- and encourage him! Even if it goes against every nerve in your body, it's a gift you have already committed to give the day you married him. You are supposed to provide a soft place for him to fall when he feels discouraged about his faults and is intimidated by worlds pressures. Sometimes it's difficult. Maybe he's not holding up his end of the deal. But today, make it about who you are to him. Your husband has emotional needs; physical ones as well. Your husband fears feeling inadequate and if  you're trying to control him, it can easily make him feel that way. He wants to be your hero. He wants to see the look of admiration in your eyes. He wants to know you celebrate him, depend on him, and feel privileged to be married to him.

Sometimes our frustration with our man can run high, but often our response is an inappropriate response that's not warranted. Other times, it seems warranted, because things he's done to you feels like his wants and fears can just get in line. Maybe he's given you enough fears and wants for the both of you, or he's proven he's not worthy of your trust because of his carelessness. You can decide today to affirm him, and let him know your trust isn't gone forever. It may need to be reconstructed,or  re-established, but he needs to know that you desire to re-establish your confidence in him.

God created us to be our husband's helper, to help unleash the God-given potential inside him. It's honoring God's purpose for our lives and your relationship. Your man isn't not perfect.  He knows it, too, but guess what? We aren't either!

Your husband is capable, honorable, and worthy of your attention and admiration. He desires to know that you trust him and believe he has the wisdom and talent to succeed. He's fulfilled when he senses it, knowing your cheering for him, assuring him that he has what it takes. When he feels affirmed by you, it makes him want to live up to your trust.

Your husband is divinely wired as a leader and provider. The last thing he wants is a wife who doesn't believe it, or isn't willing to support these qualities in him. You, are his wife not his mother, critic, or corrections officer. Start anew today by being his voice of confidence, support, and encouragement. Will you allow your husband the experience of walking into the day with your love and esteem trailing him?

Proverbs 14:1(NLT) " A wise woman builds her home, but a foolish woman tears it down"

Are you 'building?'

Jeni Morelock