Wednesday, June 13, 2012

WMW June 13

Pottery Painting Party:
Come join us for a night of creativity and fellowship on Thursday, June 28th from 6-8 p.m. Brushstrokes n' More (3432 Ft. Henry Drive) is a paint-your-own pottery studio and provides hundreds of choices of pottery and all the supplies you need to create your own masterpiece! Cost is $5 per person plus your pottery choice (rates start at $6 per piece). Feel free to also bring your favorite appetizer to share with the group. Sandwiches and drinks will be provided.
Sign up with Jessica Poff by calling (423) 534-1616 or emailing by Tuesday, June 26th. Space is limited to 40 people.

Ladies Bible Study Conference

A Ladies’ Bible Study Conference featuring the DVD series by Priscilla Shirer, JONAH: Navigating an Interrupted Life, is planned for August 24-25.
Priscilla Shirer is a dynamic Bible teacher who will take you on an incredible journey of self-reflection and challenge.
Dates:  August 24-25, 2012
Place:  ISBC  SAC
Time and Format:            Friday, August 24             6:00-9:15pm
                                                6:00pm                 Pizza and Drinks
                                                6:15- 9:15             DVDs 1, 2, 3
                                                Saturday, August 25        8:45am-noon
                                                8:45am                 Bagels and Muffins
                                                9:00-Noon           DVDs 4, 5, 6
Sign Up in the front lobby of the sanctuary by August 19.  
Bring a friend!!
Bible study books that accompany the DVD series are available at Lifeway for $11.99 for anyone who wants to purchase one.
Contact Susie Toomey with any questions.                       

Ladies’ Small Group Leaders Needed

Would you like to lead a small group of ladies in a weekly Bible study, book discussion, or prayer group?
Morning or evening.  In a home or in another venue.  Groups will begin in the fall and will run for six to seven weeks. 
You could be instrumental in helping a small group of ladies grow spiritually and build closer connections!
If interested in leading a group, please contact Susie Toomey.

Discipleship Opportunities
A number of women’s conferences that are within a comfortable driving distance of Kingsport are coming up.  Gather a few friends and take the opportunity to join with hundreds of other ladies in studying God’s Word with Beth Moore and other outstanding Bible teachers.

Beth Moore Living Proof Events:
a.       August 10-11, 2012 Knoxville, TN  Thompson Boling Arena 
b.      August 24-25, North Charleston, SC    North Charleston Coliseum  
c.       Registration online or by phone 800-254-2022 or fax 615-251-3730
d.      Friday 7:00-9:30pm and Saturday 8:30am-noon
e.       Registration is $65.00

Women of Faith Conferences-
a.       June 23, 2012 Greensboro, NC ,  War Memorial Auditorium, 1921 W. Lee St
b.      Registration is $59.00; Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm
 October 19-20, 2012,  Charlotte, NC  
a.       Time Warner Cable Arena;  333 East Trade Street, Charlotte, NC
b.      Friday 7:00-10:00pm and Saturday 9:00am-5:00pm
c.        Registration is $99.00
Women of Joy Conferences-
a.  March 22-24, 2013,  Pigeon Forge, TN  (Registration $99.00)
b.   April 12-14, 2013; Sevierville, TN   (Registration -$99.00)

Precept Ministries Women's Conferences in Chattanooga:  Speakers Kay Arthur and staff.  Worship Leader: Alicia Williamson Garcia.
 a. Fall Conference 2012: October 19-21,
    Friday evening 5 pm through Sunday 1 pm.
 b. Spring Conference 2013: April 12-14
    Friday evening 5 pm through Sunday 1 pm.
Cost : $195 per conference which includes conference, materials and 6 full meals.
Go to and click on events. OR call 1-800-763-8280 to register.

Missions Opportunity

Socks & Shoe Drive
As you do your spring cleaning, set aside those gently used shoes.  We will be collecting new socks and gently used or new shoes of all sizes to be distributed to children up to age 14 at Gibsontown Ministries at a date yet to be determined this fall.  Shoes need to be closed toed only.  New shoe laces, please.  We will begin the collection in August.  This will be a joint effort of Women’s Ministry and Captivated Girls (Youth girls of Glenwood Campus)  The distribution date will be on a Saturday.  Volunteers will be needed to help sort and set-up prior to distribution and also to fit children on the distribution day.  Watch for date and volunteer sign-up.   We would also like to have a few volunteers to purchase a pair of shoes for kids we cannot fit, just in case they are needed. 
Last year 300+ pairs were needed!


This week's WOW found her mission field on the baseball field!  Check out her story this Friday at

Health & Wellness

Angie Dishner submitted this list of the classes available in June at the HRC:

Wed 6/13: Free hearing screening from 8-12
Wed 6/13: "Love and Logic": Learn techniques to help encourage self development while also teaching accountability.
Thurs 6/21: 6pm- "Ask the foot doctor" and foot screening- Dr. Chatelain will be talking about the most common foot problems and then will be following it up with an optional foot screening after the presentation.
Mon 6/25, 6pm- Hawaiian Hula class
Tues 6/26, 1pm- learn how to safely can foods to enjoy all year long!
These are only a few of the classes offered this month. Call 857-7981 for more information.
Call 1-800-888-5551 to register.

As you can see, there are lots of opportunities for ministry and fellowship in Women's Ministry.  I invite you to get involved.

Serving Him with You,

Pam Archer, Director
ISBC Women's Ministry